Tic^4 3DSL by RaddDadd Upshaw aka Don Tyler http://www.mindfulwebworks.com/second-life/tic4.html History ======= Version 1 stages in reverse order: 011 begun 2007-12-01 Cleanup code generally. TESTING: Rainbow appears away from control box & control box retains visibility, color, & text re previous game 010 begun 2007-11-13 2007-11-18 Changed game name to Tic^4. 2007-11-26 SEEMS TO WORK: Stalemate check. 2007-11-26 SEEMS TO WORK: NO PLAYERS: anyone can touch. 2007-12-01 SEEMS TO WORK: Rainbow signup finally 2007-12-01 SEEMS TO WORK: The Game in all aspects 009 2007-11-11 Corrected serious bug, typo, in win routine SEEMS TO WORK: Planes as separate object rotatable on touch. Game sends signal to planes object as to whose touch is allowed, or when not playing periodically it just rotates on its own. SEEMS TO WORK: Prevent touches by anyone outside of perimeter TESTING: Stalemate check. 008 Turn indicator spheres removed. Added countdown displays in floating text for all game states Choose colors in-world with new Color-Picker rainbow object. Changed many variable names for sense & consistency Changed count ups to count downs 007 Version works!! Tightened up text announcements. Whisper announcements. 006 Win check. 005 Timeouts accompanying all active states. Various tweaks. 004 Player out of range detection improved. Repeated check for both players during play, during player sign-up, and during color choices. Improvements in new indicator spheres handling. 003 New look for control box. Two new spheres indicating players. 002 Player out of range at start of turn forfeits. 001 Added color choices dialogue. 000 Designed board pieces. Developed board generator. Developed basic play using intercommunicating scripts in all prims -- educational, but wrong -- then revised to one script governing signup and play. Roadmap: ======== Hand out info/rules notecard; link to mindful webpage. Line (long thin glowing cylinder in winner's color) marks every win Stats kept Q of games played, last winner, etc. List of games w stats. Record entire game info & moves (with times) and be able to re-play any game in swift, proportional, or real time. Thinking about: ============== Message a player "it's your turn"? Verify self-play (in case 1st player clicked twice by mistake). (no longer a problem with the player picker?) Rez board only at 1st game, remove it after a while. (No, it looks good as an ad for itself to have a played game displayed.) Better definition of boardspace than current 4 planes? Different control box mechanism like seats for players?