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Head Shop Playlists
Head-Shoppish media found around the web, most recent on top.
Is Colorado the "Stoner" State?
2013 Apr 22
No, no, mannn, it's... well... uh... yeah.
Sources: mindfulwebworker, dnews44, newsteamboulder, bapdoggz, hightimespresents, oneshotgrow, tokinglx, bigvoiceovers, thecalebbonhamshow, 24viralsvideos, tvllve
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Marijuana in Mind
2012 Dec 2
What goes on in your brain, body, and mind, so they say.
Sources: AsapSCIENCE, SciShow, BritishBuds420, exteriorview8008, narconon, sobrietytelevision, jennie09morgan, HarrisHarrington, IAMHEMP420, nugporn, gfreakj, weeddetox
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