Moving Pictures
The Culturally Insensitive Pseudo-Hispanic Version
The 2016 Recordings. Sixteen episodes. Mostly music videos, also skits and animations.
Out of control and moving fast - a short video skit
The All-Purpose Greeting Card Song
It's a real flying car. Quad-copter tech looks cool. I'll take two.
When you test drive your dream car
Free as a very heavy bird. Flying future is here now.
Easy parallel parking, a technique that never caught on
Getting away and taking it all with you. Military truck converted to mobile home
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political, informative, and amusing
The Baby Formula Shortage - attestations
The first time you shade the truth, your tounge gets tied, your lips get dried…
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos of amazing guitars and guitarists - Rick Beato, Glen Campbell
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Joe stuck his hand out. Who was he shaking hands with?
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political, informative, and amusing
It's lonely at the top. And the bottom.
Videos informative and amusing
Male and Female He created them, and they will forever be incomprehensible to one another. Cats Charlie and Ony demonstrate.
Kamala Harris's word salad carefully clarified
Videos political, informative, and amusing
Videos political and amusing