My true love gave to me a host of problems for Christmas.
The Culturally Insensitive Pseudo-Hispanic Version
The 2016 Recordings. Sixteen episodes. Mostly music videos, also skits and animations.
Briefly Thinking of Faith
The All-Purpose Greeting Card Song
How free people would handle the seasons
Have Talent, Will Act -where do I know that guy from?
Sandwich cookie measurements
I asked the trio of trick-or-treaters, what are you supposed to be?
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Uvalde's Children - in the wake of the terror
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing
Links and videos political, informative, and amusing