Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
What's the strangest car crash cause you morons know of?
Didn't crash, but... my brother-in-law was driving a semi when he realized he had a bee up his pants.
Disappearing? Yes, yes we are.
So long...
...and thanks for all the hives.
Critter stories!
...attacked by thousands of bees....
Horrible, horrible death.
Sir Maet: "Any of the horde have experience and/or advice on keeping bees?'
Avoid becoming part of the hive mind.
RWC: 3 things learned is 2 more than I got today.
But really... here y'go...
The bees, they're kind-of like seeds, y'see.
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 26
Subjects: animals, anthropology, architecture, bees, blogs, brain, Chicago, education, extraterrestrial, face on Mars, first contact, future, health, history, Mars, moon, nuclear, pregnancy, restoration, space travel, Titan, tornadoes
Subjects: animals, anthropology, architecture, bees, blogs, brain, Chicago, education, extraterrestrial, face on Mars, first contact, future, health, history, Mars, moon, nuclear, pregnancy, restoration, space travel, Titan, tornadoes
Comments open
(kid-within voice)Ace is my hee-roooww.(/kid)
He didn't seem to be jumping for joy.
School Bus
Bees in the Trees
Bought Me a Horse
Swing Set
Doodley Doo, Simple
Doodley Doo, Extravagant

School Bus
Bees in the Trees
Bought Me a Horse
Swing Set
Doodley Doo, Simple
Doodley Doo, Extravagant
School Bus
Bees in the Trees
I Bought Me a Horse
Swing Set
Doodley Doo