future flight
Individual vehicles self-assemble, coordinate, and take flight.
Controlled by the pilot shifting his body weight. (What could go wrong?)
Coming soon to the skies above you.
Subjects: helicopter, future flight, military, weapons, machine gun, nano-copter
Choreographed nano-copter swarms.
Les premiers vrais tests du nano quad d'Ulix, un plaisir à voir et à piloter! [video]
Like flying in a virtual country club.
BARTLESVILLE — Valter Dellanebbia wants to make the skies friendly and affordable for younger aviation enthusiasts... “We are trying to bring young people back to aviation,” Dellanebbia said as he showed off a Jabiru J-230 LSA model... This is made in Tennessee and the engine is from Australia. We wanted to make aviation affordable. You can buy one of these aircraft for one-tenth the price of others." .. For those looking to buy aircraft, the Jabiru model in Bartlesville carries a price tag of about $100,000. .. If the price is too steep, don’t worry. Dellanebbia has models available from $50,000 on up....