I once had a small fly buzz into my ear, but I wasn't sure I ever heard it leave.
Years later, I dug a chunk of wax out of that ear, and there's some odd black something in it.
You'll Be Older, Too - Birthdays, Art, faith, love, and online discussions. Bonus tracks with Sarah Smith and Majic Clark
Subjects: birthday, Spirit, aging, butterfly, The Art of, progress, love, faith, threads, online communication, Sarah Smith, Majic Clark, music, humor, fun, Beatles
Alberta Oil Peon: ...No ticks here in Alberta, but the mosquitos are out...
So, are those the giant hawk-sized northern mosquitoes, infamous from Wisconsin to Alaska?
Reading upthread:
mummified ant stuck to the bottom of the glass, generating foam.
Humor levels seem to fall off sharply as I approach #200...
What's the strangest car crash cause you morons know of?
Didn't crash, but... my brother-in-law was driving a semi when he realized he had a bee up his pants.
Chi: Apparently, the guy is supposed to turn off the spray as he drives by your 50 ft wd lot...
Disappearing? Yes, yes we are.
So long...
...and thanks for all the hives.
I finally woke up when the bugs were getting so huge that sleeping me told myself "this is ridiculous."
Coming soon to a political theater near you.
Critter stories!
...attacked by thousands of bees....
Horrible, horrible death.
Life in the great outdoors. Two tales.
Orkin's 20 worst bloodsucking cities list
Ed Anger: "The story was done by Orkin and only lists the top five. I guess you have to watch the video for the other 15."
Count de Monet: "And the FDA will have to revise standards for allowable foreign bug parts in the insect farm's production and packaging. Whoa!"
That's funny, Count!
What Vic mentioned at #29
Does this bug you as much as it bugs me?
Former UN Sec-Gen Kofi Annan
Sir Maet: "Any of the horde have experience and/or advice on keeping bees?'
Avoid becoming part of the hive mind.
RWC: 3 things learned is 2 more than I got today.
Over there. In the forward-view mirror! A new fresh thread upon which the horde can move like a swarm of extranational locusts, graffitiiing, trashing, moving on.
IOW, nood.
But really... here y'go...
"A Third State Abandon's Obamacare Exchange"
I cannot figure out what a "third state abandon" is, nor how it's possessing itself of an O Exch makes sense.
"Why do they always sting you in the back or some other place that is hard to get to?"
Natural selection, of course.The ones that sting where you can reach got swatted out of the chain.
Subjects: animals, anthropology, architecture, bees, blogs, brain, Chicago, education, extraterrestrial, face on Mars, first contact, future, health, history, Mars, moon, nuclear, pregnancy, restoration, space travel, Titan, tornadoes
"17 year cicada cycle hits"
"Can u eat them? -Cicero Kid
They're best with honey.
Subjects: economics, Hugo Chavez, locusts, preparedness, psychotherapy, self-defense
>>and the nic link failed too. good night.
Posted by: Mindfulguy at January 27, 2013 12:18 AM (eVurp)
The link worked.
Fly video was perfect.
Wish I had time & power to do more better vid. Anyway, day late, but here 'tis, TFG with a side of flies. In part inspired by comments on a certain notorious site... yeah I credited the horde.
There's something on my what?