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Four new recordings of original songs, of lost love, hard times, faith, insecurity, and spiritual regeneration. Plus a touch of humor.
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No matter what you do, no matter where I am, I get that feeling
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Don't everybody post at once now.
Odds suggest there's lots of technological civilizations out in the universe, faith suggests the Government of God is in control, so why haven't they contacted us yet?
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6 brothers arrested for molesting NC girl since she was age 6... parents knew... private, kept-to-themselves types... homeschooled... no visible source of income....
Just not this fellow's moment!
Imperturbable fortress meets unrelenting energy.
Caught in the battlefield in a war for the very destiny of the world.
Text added on 2013 Nov 14
Subjects: good and evil, earth, revelation, Lucifer, Caligastia, isolation, salvation
Subjects: good and evil, earth, revelation, Lucifer, Caligastia, isolation, salvation
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Fifteen-point symmetry.
Fifteen-point symmetry