And, proving that the shutdown under Trump is, like, a brazillion times worse than the last one:
The video I did after that shutdown has earned more hits and was reposted more widely than almost any video I've ever done. I hope it's okay that I embed it here. Seems appropriate.
Newly-recorded: three songs, one instrumental, plus a cartoon, and black & orange Hallowe'en cats!
Slightly shorter show, but packed with more original songs.
Subjects: alcohol, relationships, love, family, parenting, recreation, humor, decisions, duty, obedience, faith, Spirit, marijuana, liberty, prohibition, healing, repeal, perfection, idealism, mortality, punctuality, fate, destiny, fatalism, Mother Teresa, service, music video
Blano: ...Cactus of Liberty... That was a great read. Please post more often.
Less long, more often!
(Meant to be encouragement, not criticism.)
Greetings again. Caught up on some comments. This thread certainly has its ups & downs.
Best typo of the evening:
C/o Notsothoreau in the overnight thread, a good speech by Rep Greg Walden, Oregon 2nd District, on "what drives people to do what is happening tonight in Harney County." Video and transcript.
Then there’s this side of the “War on Terror” which like the War on Drugs is really a War on Some Not Others:
Well, that's funny. I pulled this page up to show off your poster to the Mrs, and I see it's been updated with two riffs o'mine. If I knew how to blush...
Thanks for pointing out all those differences.
"Out before the libertarian flame war and/or tedious back and forth on the War on Drugs gets going...."
Posted by: S. Muldoon
"We need to decriminalize individual liberty, although I'm not really for legalization."
Just think it through. Take. your. time.
"...would it hurt for these idiots to fear the most powerful military ever just a little bit?"
—Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest
My tl;dr du jour.
Greetings, PoliNationals.
I don’t know how to get my cell to link to my account with the avatar. Primitive early 21st Century toys, all flash and no function.
Jor-El did his best to save his planet, but they would not listen. He was not resigned to Let It Explode. But when it was inevitable, he did what he could.
Before I go clicking Maet's pix (you should excuse the expression)...
Subjects: liberty, Oklahoma, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, TW Shannon
Hey, um, O/T, but we're in the 400s right? Hi.
Subjects: liberty, Oklahoma, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Tulsa, TW Shannon
FDA Orders Recall of Placebos Because They May Work
Recycled 'humor' from days ago. I think Ben and Vic both did it. ha. ha.
... and...
Folks sometimes argue one socialist excuse to support another, usually something like, can't legalize drugs because socialized medicine.
»I imagine that a small, though greater in the Bible Belt, number of Christian social conservatives still view gambling as a vice to be discouraged. -typo dynamofo
Subjects: liberty, proper province of government, responsibility
Late to the old thread, but FTR...
I'm sure glad y'all have all sorted out the whole social drugs liberty thing again, so I don't have to get involved. Got other things to do today.
Questions of efficacy or suitability to purpose I will decide for myself, thank you.
- torquewrench at January 23, 2014 09:05 AM (gqT4g)
"My main concern with legalized weed is the same as it always has been: who pays?"
"No. No pity.They can either vote with their feet, or stop being sheep."
I get the schaedenfreud (sp?) but...
I'm as sure of this as the sun rising, because all of you here are Americans.
It's who we are.
Posted by: irongrampa
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." I was much older before I realized that was racial code. "
It's not. It's to keep the Hobos and Assholes out.
20th Century's main cause of death & continuing. Some folks still don't get it.
Ben Franklin, Jefferson, et al would not recognize this as America. - Chi-Town Jerry
Subjects: Ben Franklin, liberty, revolution, Thomas Jefferson, tyranny
While Berkeley's proposal is among the toughest in the nation, it's lenient in at least one regard: It does not include marijuana. That would be permitted anywhere.
Subjects: Progressives Playbook, liberty, marijuana, responsibility, tyranny