Oklahoma City Bombing
I walked out into the yard, admiring the beautiful Spring morning. The neighbor was out, too, and she asked, had we heard about the explosion in Oklahoma City?
"Now Holder has blood on his hands."
Since at least OKC, Apr/95.
That bloody photo is painfully memorable. Of the many blogs commenting on Holder's leaving, yours is the first I've seen to recall it.
Remembering watching the event unfold, and reflecting upon nineteen-year-old lingering questions.
We had just moved the family to Oklahoma from Chicago one year before. Our neighbor asked had I heard about the explosion in OKC? I tuned in to TV; Tulsa channel was carrying OKC channel.
One week until the anniversaries of Waco and the OKC bombing. Should be an interesting week.
Subjects: communication, freedom, Oklahoma City Bombing, Waco massacre
just doing my bit to push the comment count
aloha from ONT lurkland.
dont think the Feds want to wait a few days for the Waco / OKC anniv? that would be so... traditional
20 years ago
Two years into the Clinton era.
CompuServe for a few. Web was unknown.
Before cells. Only recently able to own your own hardwired.
Subjects: 2001-9-11, Bill Clinton, cells, CompuServe, Oklahoma City Bombing
Reduce a few government buildings to rubble & that shit'll stop. -rickb223
Justice is served. Medium well.
Subjects: Bill Clinton, Bill Foster, Fortiers, Oklahoma City Bombing, justice
I also remember that night, standing under a beautiful Oklahoma just-past-full moon in a clear night sky, after watching all day the horrid news reports out of Oklahoma City, wondering how anyone else looking at this beautiful world could do such a thing.
More than Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? the question is, Who Can Destroy the Destroyers?
Subjects: FBI, conspiracy, Oklahoma City Bombing, modern police tactics
"Do you have any further info on the FBI response to Jesse Trentadue?"
Subjects: Oklahoma City Bombing, FBI, conspiracy, Iraq, terrorism, Jayna Davis, Jesse Trentadue, Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Hussain Al-Hussaini
The LaughingStock Media mostly tippy-toed around this, while the new Vox Populi righteously called for justice.
Subjects: Barack Obama, Eric Holder, justice, border security, Second Amendment, Fast and Furious, Gunrunner, LaughingStock Media, FBI, Oklahoma City Bombing, Jesse Trentadue, violence
Along with the physical weather damage there's been waves of what I've come to call "April madness," a seeming spike in random beat-downs, suicides, family murders, etc. Just my impression; I've not compiled statistics.
Subjects: weather, April madness, tornadoes, emotions, SAD, Waco massacre, Columbine High School massacre, Oklahoma City Bombing
The state Senate has passed a bill that directs the State Board of Education to teach children about the events of April 19, 1995. The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building will be a part of the history-social studies core curriculum.