After all, now they have nothing else left to run on
cthulhu: [likes my comment so much, repeats it twice ] Another technique worth considering is driving to the nearest police/highway patrol station.
An online encounter this weekend reminded me of the one and only time, many years ago, that I had a serious road rage encounter.
FS: Getting mad at God - reminds me of something I read about a marital counselor.
Not exactly on-topic, but … close enough, blogmasters willing.
Rile the snake at your own risk. His majesty is challenged by a rogue reporter, who is appropriately scolded and scorched.
Morning, Glories!
Finished reading comments in the last thread too late to say hello there. Hello here.
Who's that guy who tweeted about Ace? I think I've heard the name....
I just watched these. Must rant. A thread about CNN wanting to topple the Jefferson Memorial seems related enough.
By the way, Pete, following up on your "Bad Thing" after not being served any L or T on your BLT…
Vic: "And speaking of schwartzes a man awakes to find his GF biting his off."
RickZ: "In the woman's photo, she has crazy eyes. Never dip your wick in crazy, even for a morning BJ."
"I apologize for being so quick to anger on this topic yesterday...."
Posted by: sven10077@sven10077
Subjects: anger, First Amendment, rage, righteousness, terrorism
woman trashed a Flatiron diner — smashing glass ketchup bottles against a mirror and TV in a videotaped rampage — after a manager asked her to leave for screaming into her cellphone for 30 minut
Rising? Blood pressure and anger.
Falling? Hope.
We need our Poppins. Please don't wig out.
"You want to be a dictator? You want to spark a war? Bring it on!"
"I'm sick of this country. I'm sick of everything.
- Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing
"It's starting to feel like the MFM is just practicing whipping up a frenzied mob, so they know what works when it needs to be done for real." -HeatherRadish™
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Subjects: cats, ducks, experience, giraffes, humor, kiss, rage, self-awareness
There's an art to righteous raging, like with Pat Condell or the master Mark Levin. I don't catch all of the prolific Professor Williams's lectures, but he's pretty good at what he does.
Subjects: ET Williams, rage, Pat Condell, Mark Levin, Penn and Teller, expression
Subjects: Barack Obama, Canada, foreign policy, freedom, Impeach Obama, Islam, Israel, jihad, Libertarians, Middle East, Newt Gingrich, North Korea, rage, Russia, Sharia, Stevie Wonder, tyranny, withdrawal
A proven effective technique
As a lib, he prefers his kids to go to a happy place as opposed to fighting back.
--Up with people! at September 29, 2012 05:58 PM
I've been trying to figure out if this guy, claiming she is his recently-ex-gf, is real, but it kind-of has that flavor, and in any case is amusing. http://youtu.be/6zYEYRA-ZRo
And here, we see The Rest of the Story, after the classroom. Listen for the sizzle of the taser. http://youtu.be/U3uCMzbritA
This fellow's take is also amusing. http://youtu.be/GHr5L4y6-g8
End of the Road #7 of 37
Subjects: family travel, Suburban (Chevy), flying car, traffic cop, rage, humor