I think I clicked through to every weird news story.
Mind starting to zombie-ize. Some parting shots:
Honduras v Switzerland - guns & homicides
Say, that was a pretty good ONT post.
Disturbed me at first glance, thinking there was something to the $8 hamburger!
Magnetosphere collapse was disturbing.
Bwah ha haah! Fault: drone operator.
Some sure-to-be willowed video recommendations::
Two good "Freedom's Safest Place" videos from NRA
Subjects: Bill Clinton, fun, Hillary Clinton, self-defense, video
And a manicure machine that works like an electric pencil sharpener. (Yeah, I'd trust that.)
My time and energy are expired.
Good night, good people.
The guy shot while trying to get in through the doggie door... hit in the face, treated, and in jail? What'd the homeowner do, hit him in the ear?
"Guns used in most domestic deaths."
AllenG: What an asinine headline.
"Hammers used in most domestic construction."...
Lauren's Son: "they shoot the bad guy but I don't have a gun so I'd have to smash him with a stick!"
Did you then go into "don't bring a stick to a gunfight"?
Speaking of newspapers misrepresenting guns (repeating myself somewhat from last night):
Ah, home at long last, where I can pour myself a beverage, kick off my shoes and other articles of attire, and lounge among the weirdest weirdos of the web for a few minutes before retiring.
Subjects: bacon, language, LaughingStock Media, self-defense
grammie winger: I'm without a car today. ...could clean the house....
My heavens! That Moms Demand ad was stupid from start to finish, but especially finish.
OTOH, good. Wouldn't want to be in a restaurant with such a bizarre group of bad actors, anyway.
The Great White Scotsman: It really isn't about the law, it is about choices.
rickb223: You restrict my right to self defense, you assume the liability.
While I'm amused by the proposed Tennessee law, I have a problem with this.
Lily4Liberty, Facebook
Vic: [Oweepy] said that sales of guns have soared under his presidency because gun rights groups have convinced people that somebody is going to come get your guns...
...This is why I'm not a big fan of open carry.
Speaking of, gun thread up.
Heard on the radio tonight... Craig Co Okla asst prosecutor and former judge, home alone, had a burglar break in to her rural house ... and she shot the intruder in the chest.
M'boys were out in the south 40 (yes, we really have one) with a friend today, practicing shootin'. Nice they have picked up a healthy hobby they can share.
Seamus Muldoon: Don't bring an unloaded .38 revolver to a tire iron fight.
Colin: Chicago Police: Customer with concealed carry license kills robber...
TFG: "easier in too many neighborhoods for a young person to purchase a gun than a book"
Only because books require literacy and interest in reading.
Lauren: He told the shooter it was his 6 year old son's birthday, and the monster laughed and shot him twice more.
Seven times not just five!
As I said last thread, utterly disqualified as a Modern Man.
Love the concern for others. Outstanding.
The gunman-charging Vet's pic on Weasel Zippers:
Shot five times and lying in a hospital bed with the biggest $#!+-eating grin!
Is this thread moving really fast or am I reading really slow? (Still staring, dumbfounded, at strange coffeemaker)
anon a mouse: Who cuts bananas anyway?...
Well, when I tried putting the whole banana on my cereal, it was kind-of awkward to eat.