Whichever way the wind blows, that's how Oklahoma Spring weather goes.
Heh. Deer snowplows.
Well, here we are again.
Happy New Month, y'all.
April showers bring May flowers
May flowers bring June bugs.
Quickly, before the next thread arrives:
Goooooood morning, defenders of Reality!
We had a great family Easter supper yesterday
Greetings, people of the gray boxes!
Hope our Sooner Moron friends are safe & sound
anon a mouse: Thought it would be warmer.
Heh. I have a theory it's all these people moving from colder climes, dragging the weather with them.
Last night I posted:
Just drove home through wild wind & rain, listening to the radio guys talk about 70mph gusts and funnels spotted just a few miles south of us. Sweaty moments, but made it home.
"...we still like each other... It's been a good week."
Heartwarming. Which I could use, so, thanks. Best wishes of the spirit of Spring to you. (? Something like that.)
Very pretty.
Morning, Glories!
Yesterday we had temps almost to 80°F. Then the rain, and north wind, and we dropped almost to the 30s.
I remember Gov. Moonbeam back before he was a zombie. Or at least, before he became so obviously a zombie, anyway.
BTW, Milady says to compliment you on your Spring background.
Every morning lately, about the time that I arise, the temperature plunges, before starting a quick climb back up. Got down to freezing this morning. The forecasts never predict this dip.
MrScribbler: "Maybe some of the 100-plus inches of snow we've gotten will finally start to fade away...."
Morning, VIA. "A balmy 12 degrees in the Peoples Republic of Baltimore," you say?
Morning, Glories!
Just read up through #83. Takes a lot longer to read through the comments when I also tangent off to actually read pages to which Vic & others link!
rickb223: "When all you have is babushkas, a 20 yr old intern is a runway model."
That really was my first thought.
((Fans some warm Oklahoma Spring air up Carol's direction.))
Folks, if you're waiting for better times before moving to freer states... don't hold your breath.
All winter long
I pray for Spring,
So I won't
wake up freezing.
So, here we are.
It's Spring at last
Great! Now I
wake up sneezing.
Eva's! I mused the whine...
wait, whut? fangers? autoincorrect? hello?
Egad, I missed the whole morning thread. (That's more like it.)
android pens?
up to #25...
"...is it just me, or has the atmosphere around the HQ been especially poisonous lately?" -Poppins
Wow. Yesterday I'm up & at'em at 4. Today I'm groggy at the 6am alarm. Sudden onset of Spring Fever?
It's overcast and pitch black out, and the wind is up, giving the impression of mid-winter miserable outside.
"The frost on the ground ferns looked like a delicate lace..."
When will you be starting the Walks with FenelonSpoke blog?
Waning gibbous moon hangs at the one o'clock position in a steel-blue field. Layers of coral and turquoise glow on the eastern horizon. Birds chorus like it's early Spring.
FenelonSpoke, I'm enjoying the walks with you.
Missed my usual sunrise glory today. Overcast just went from moon-backlit to sun-backlit. At least, I assume that's the sun up there.
Now that there's some daylight I can see we got at least an inch of climate chaos overnight. Pretty.
Okay, I'm ready for Spring now.