The 2016 Recordings. Sixteen episodes. Mostly music videos, also skits and animations.
To start videography again, a short menu
Major Tasks Ahead to keep Mindful Webworks afloat and functional
Troubles in Old Age
Strangely enough, I don't seem to have any interest in the election post-mortems regarding Hillary - or anything to do with the Clintons, actually. Same goes for ol' flyface.
Easter Greetings, folks. Getting ready to make the drive to The City for Easter supper with Mom, our daughter, our sons, and a nephew. And Jesus.
He is risen!
Um... before I fade away for the night....which will be soon...
* brandy really kicks in *
Greetings from beyond the veil.
Dog on the driveway, basking in the bright moonlight. Relatively warm. Hot tomorrow. Can't complain about that.
Greetings, good folk.
As cemented by today's ceremony...
Hillary Clinton (and her ol' houn'dog of a husband) will never occupy the White House again.
Last thread, MP4 posted a link to Marilyn's special HBD JFK dress ... here's my use of it from back in Aug 2014:
Spoiler: the "0 days left" photo is already up at mindful webworker's site, along with the photos from days 1-7.
47 Nice Photoshop fu on the 4 days pic, JJ.
Posted by: Golfman at January 16, 2017 07:11 AM (k0S3A)
Oh shit! That's not my doing. It's Mindful Webworker.
FenelonSpoke #180: Thanks, MindfullWebworker. I thought that was very clever. (I liked "Christmas rap a lot). You are such a regal looking older man (Is it o.k.
Thanks, MindfullWebworker. I thought that was very clever. (I liked "Christmas rap a lot). You are such a regal looking older man (Is it o.k.
In my current spate of commenting, I have embedded two videos, including one of my own. So, rather than clutter the blog with another, I'll just give you the link.
A preview/taste of Mindful Webworkshop #16, Christmas Edition:
I couldn't help myself. Okay, I could, but why should I?
I'm back. You can send money anyway.
Phoning it in...?
Speaking of low expectations, I'll just take a moment to annoy the 2.7 folks still reading at this hour, by plugging Mindful Webworkshop #12, weekly video production which this week features
OregonMuse #108: ...And speaking of long, weird stories, whatever happened to "mindful webworker"? Did he get banned, or just disappear?
chemjeff #535 ha! is that you playing the piano in that video?
That old guy with the creaky voice and no sense of tempo? Maybe.
Somebody tell that boring, stupid mindless webwanker guy to shut up and go to bed already. Man, am I tired of his incessant insipid comment surfeit. It's like commenting Tourette's.
Siiigh. I hate it when I find out I've been dragging around a false URL in my nic link. Not like anyone tried it and said, hey, mindful, that link is n.g., but just on general principle, y'know.
Speaking of mangled music...
It's awful... but we had fun.
Speaking of not downloading videos and missing half the fun on the ONT...
You know, I wasn't going to mention it, but exhaustion and the rum have overwhelmed my good judgment...
Evening, y'all. Thanks, CDR M.
The "Da Fuq" image not showing up for me. (Weasel Zippers does not allow hot-linking to this jpg.)
Well, if abstract stuff like that can be called "art," here's one of mine, randomly picked from the heap...
Posted by: mindful webworker - shy egotist at June 05, 2016 02:03 PM (Gv8zm)
I just finished it. I have no idea what you call that or what you're supposed to do with it but I liked it.