The Art of

Summaries of all The Art of webworks, latest on top
Page 4 of 4, hints 61 - 72 of 72
Mary Worth for the Comics Curmudgeon

I've been enjoying the Comics Curmudgeon off and on for years, but more regularly lately. Here's a Mary Worth alteration I indulged in when I should have been doing more important things today.

Cartoon, Remix added on 2011 Mar 8 Comics Curmudgeon, Mary Worth, funnies, comic strips, parody
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Worst Dressed Oscar
Hollywood goes to the Oscars 2011

I don't care who won what awards, but this morning I couldn't resist hitting a link to the worst-dressed ladies at the Oscars…!

Text, Illustration, Remix added on 2011 Mar 1 Mark Evanier, Oscars, Hollywooden, fashion, pop culture
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Reading comics on a computer monitor
Digital Asteroid Clobbers Olde Media World

I sure hope folks like our pal JJ here (and me) can figure out how to make a living in this dead-trees-free world.

Text added on 2011 Mar 1 digital future, online commerce, comic strips
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Tom Lehrer performs Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, 1998

Lehrer, and similar subversive forces, were an early part of the undermining of society and the collapse of patriotism, family and morality in the 1960s.

Text, Video by Others added on 2011 Feb 5 Tom Lehrer, humor, inspiration
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Mind Fuel

The series that didn't quite make it.

Cartoon added on 2007 Jun 4 creativity, humor, cartooning
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Butterfly in the Studio

Nobody could figure where it came from.

Verse added on 2007 May 17 creativity, butterfly, performance, surrealism
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Reality Manipulated

News photos doctored to reveal new and hidden meanings.

Photo by Others, Remix added on 2002 Oct 29 humor, parody, satire, news, Slobodan Milošević
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Starry cross on dotty field

Is looking within a pointillist activity?

Cartoon added on 2002 Feb 2 pointillism, self-contemplation, reflection
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Halloween Party

Halloween party invitation. Large graphic with spooky goings-on, all in fun.

Illustration, Cartoon added on 2002 Jan 13 spooks, invitation, scary, monsters, party, Halloween
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Restaurant Sketches

Drawings while waiting for the waitress.

Illustration added on 1999 Jul 13 insects, The Art of
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Eb | Ain't...
Nothing Much

Admissions of limitations as a songsmith.

Verse added on 1997 Nov 14 creativity, songwriting, performance
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Anyone Can

Universal encouragment of confident pictographic self-expression

Cartoon added on 1996 May 15 comics, creativity, confidence, humor
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