Heap o' Links Sat Feb 5, 2022

Links and videos political and amusing

Vic's News
Starts here today with comment #2
On this day in 1901 J. P. Morgan formed $1 billion steel company, called U.S. Steel.

Bits & Bytes - Sat Feb 5, 2022
chrissy on PoliNation, news, views, and links to enlighten, inform, and amuse

Bluebird of Bitterness
Happy Caturday —Simon's Cat video
Caturday funnies: There’s a nap for that

Ace of Spades ♠ Pet Thread
Discussing our critter companions. Pix and stories.

h/t publius on A♠ — Hot tip: Go long funeral homes, short life insurance.
Long Funeral Homes, Short Life Insurers? Ex-Blackrock Fund Manager Discovers Disturbing Trends In Mortality
Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, Feb 5, 2022

The implication to many was clear - that the Covid-19 vaccine is linked to the excess mortality, and months of vaccine injury reports were now spilling over to actuarial data - which is beginning to show, among other things, that younger, working-age people began dying in greater numbers as vaccine mandates hit - for a disease which primarily kills older, non-working age individuals. The counter argument, often presented without evidence, is that the increase is due to people who postponed elective surgeries and other medical treatments during the pandemic.

Ex-Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd is in the former camp, and has spent the last month analyzing breadcrumbs associated with a rise in excess mortality vs. pre-pandemic levels. Given that we're now in the middle of earnings season, there are some pretty big crumbs rolling out of the insurance and funeral services industries which are beginning to paint a disturbing picture.

h/t Blanco Basura on A♠ —OK, maybe it's fake.
Go Fund Me Freedom Convoy statement (fake)

Canadian Convoy Rally Song
Jolie Blue, YouTube, Oct 29, 2020 (2:29)
This was posted back in Oct of 2020? Hmm.

h/t Blanco Basura on A♠
Pence Blasts Trump as ‘Un-American’
in Speech for ‘FedSoc’ Group Which Takes Massive Donations from Election-Fiddling Facebook Founder.

Speaking in Orlando, Pence insisted: “President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. And frankly there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”

But the American people did not get to choose the president in the last election, amidst voter fraud, unconstitutional changes in election rules, COVID-related restrictions and “drop boxes”. Instead, the decision was made by Big Tech, the same people who sponsor the group behind Pence’s speech.

10 Beatles Hits That 'Rip Off' Other Songs
David Bennett Piano, YouTube, Apr 8, 2021 (15:59)

h/t Helena Handbasket on A♠
Cat Jobs
Sho Ko, YouTube, Mar 29, 2016 (2:29)

h/t … not quite sure how this came up!
Class Video #001
watch, YouTube, Feb 2, 2022 (1:39)