Blog Heap o'Art of Links 6 April 2015

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Links regarding art of all types
and related themes like cartoons and comics,
copyright, media, illusion, and pop culture.

Art of

Ultimate Face-Palming
torquewrench, Ace of Spades Mon 2015-Apr-6 7:59am

…I would have to be some sort of multilimbed Hindu goddess to perform a facepalm of magnitude appropriate to this utter stupidity. …

[Just had to blog that classic line. Context is at link, but the line transcends the context.]

Mass Media is Dead

Tabloid Journalism
Dianny, Patriot Retort Mon 2015-Apr-6 11:04pm

Rolling Stone Magazine beclowned themselves royally, didn’t they?

I’m not sure if we can blame it entirely on the fact that a music industry magazine attempted to pass itself off as a hard-hitting news source. Truth is, all of investigative journalism has been corrupted. So, really? Is Rolling Stone to blame or the entire state of Tabloid Journalism in the Age of Obama? …

[Must-see Rolling Stone parody cover by Dianny]