Blog Heap of Links for the day 9 March 2012

Links in this view: 1


183 Not in these numbers are the construction workers who get maybe one job a month and subsist on food stamps the rest of the time.

Not in these numbers are the droves forty and fifty year old veterans trying to re-enlist because there's no work to be had.

Not in these numbers are the people who bought cheaply a disused and broken-down piece of machinery, such as a pressure washer or a floor waxer and call themselves a business despite net profits less than minimum wage.

Not in these numbers are the former salesmen, once well to do on commissions, manning cash registers or stocking shelves in grocery stores.

Not in these numbers are the scrappers who ride around looking for appliances on the roadside, or dig through garbage cans at the local gas station for aluminum to sell. Or their less scrupulous cousins, the metal thieves who will take any salable metal that isn't bolted down, even if it's a sewer cover or railroad tie.

Also not to be found these numbers is a certain exhausted, exasperated swamp philosopher, an ex-retail manager whose job was downsized, lives with his mother, and can only find part-time work while working on a bachelor's

This is the new America. Living on its' parents couches while the world falls down around it. Clinging to the tattered shreds of dreams that refuse to die. Where if you're not receiving the government cheese, you're paying for it.

Remember who we are and what we are fighting for. A blind, three-legged dog would be a better President than Obama.

Liberius Cato

Marxism delenda est

Posted by: Cato at March 09, 2012 11:42 AM (Gk+Km)

12:36pm CST Fri 2012 Mar 9 :MW