Blog Heap of Links for the day 15 March 2012

Links in this view: 11


CNN is now in full damage control mode, by trying to cast Derrick Bell, one of America’s foremost racists and former mentor to our president as a great crusader for civil rights in the spirit of Martin Luther King; unfortunately, the truth and facts are ugly and one of our president’s early friends and mentors is a vicious and vile racist who used his dubious academic credentials and a prolific effort of obfuscation to disguise stark racism as an analytical theory on race.

4:54pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

"I've heard that before, and no one ever knows where it came from," Card said of Hayes's alleged phone remark, "but people just keep repeating it and repeating it, so it's out there."
Wait, so Hayes didn't even say the quote that Obama is mocking him for? "No, no," Card confirmed. ...
In fact, Card noted, Hayes was not only the first president to have a telephone in the White House, but he was also the first to use the typewriter, and he had Thomas Edison come to the White House to demonstrate the phonograph. "So I think he was pretty much cutting edge," Card insisted, "maybe just the opposite of what President Obama had to say there."

4:41pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Uploaded by newsninja2012 on Mar 12, 2012

I am tired of the american liberal media allowing their employees to create a framework of calling us racist and uncle tom. We are Americans too that love this country and want her to succeed.

3:45pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Have you gentlemen forgotten our distinguished president is half white.
To diffuse the racial allegations, I’ve decided to hate his white side.
This half-white Betty Crocker biscuit is driving us further into debt, and his Bubba-white Muslim appeasement is as bad as his half-assed trailer-trash doughboy gunrunning program, and if he doesn’t get off his lily-white ofay honky butt when it comes to supporting our servicemen, then I think we oughta’ vote this cracker-ass whitey outta’ office.
Americans against Obama’s white side…!

12:41pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Disturbing Family Patterns

She's revered as a trail-blazing feminist and author Alice Walker touched the lives of a generation of women. A champion of women's rights, she has always argued that motherhood is a form of servitude. But one woman didn't buy in to Alice's beliefs — her daughter, Rebecca, 38. Here the writer describes what it was like to grow up as the daughter of a cultural icon, and why she feels so blessed to be the sort of woman 64-year-old Alice despises — a mother.
3:37pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Big Brother

One company served with an NSL earlier this year is pushing back on this request for silence. Wired reports that it wants to tell its customers that their information has been requested by the government and give them the opportunity to take it to court, should they wish. This “minor defiance,” Wired states, has caused the government to file a request that the company, which remains unnamed, be forced to remain quiet because speaking out “may endanger the national security of the United States.”
Wired has more on a case that it believes “shed a little light” on NSLs post-9/11 when they were reformed to not require a court order and come with forced gag orders on companies

5:02pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Know the Enemy

Angela Davis, a black activist who came to prominence in the 1960s as a leader of the Communist Party U.S.A. and the radical black group the Black Panther Party. Ms. Davis was such a high profile communist in the latter days of the Cold War that she was awarded the so-called “Lenin Peace Prize,” given to her in a Moscow ceremony by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev himself.

3:39pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Your Tax Dollars At Play

The company, which received tens of millions in state aid before shuttering its facilities last year and moving its manufacturing operations to China, filed the notice in federal bankruptcy court in Delaware on Monday. ... Evergreen received more than $20 million in grants and $11 million in tax and lease initiatives from Massachusetts. ...

4:43pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Just a Fluke

The caption that Adam added to one of the Barcelona pics, “Pretty drunk”. Is this the part where I’m supposed to pay for your condoms, Adam? You know, because traveling between L.A., D.C., and New York, and vacationing in Barcelona, Italy, etc., is pretty darned expensive. I get it. Did you piss off your uber-wealthy parents to get cut off from your trust fund? You and Sandra must need some government subsidies. Idea: mock hearing. Brilliant!

5:04pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Human Right

In his March 3 New York Times column, entitled "When States Abuse Women," Nicholas Kristof condemns a new Texas law because it requires women who seek abortions in the state, first, to have an ultra-sound exam, be told the risks associated with abortion, receive a list of counseling agencies, and wait for at least 24 hours. Kristof denounces these requirements as "state-sanctioned abuse and humiliation." He quotes Texas abortionist Dr. Curtis Boyd, saying: "The state of Texas is waging war on women and their families."
To put this overheated and irresponsible rhetoric into perspective, it's worth a quick review of some states that actually do abuse women....
[h/t CuzBD]

5:56pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Being Human

Possibly the world’s only pop mathematician, Einstein said, “Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.” Einstein lives.

1:01pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW