Blog Heap of Links for the day 21 March 2012

Links in this view: 5

Know the Enemy

This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The database is divided into 10 major sections. Simply click on the items that interest you, and your tour through the Left will be underway.
[Video by DtN creator David Horowitz]
[h/t Cuz BD]

9:31am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW

Marriage Today

[A horror story of an ending to a beautiful marriage. What their attacker deserves, only God can justly mete out. They deserve to be remembered and honored.] An 85-year-old woman was sexually assaulted and battered to death by a home invader who also shot her 90-year-old husband in the face with a BB gun. Nancy and Bob Strait, who had celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in December, were discovered by their daughter at their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Both the pensioners were rushed to hospital where Mrs Strait, who was nearly blind, died from her injuries.
5:29pm CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW

Modern Family Life

Remember, it’s only premarital sex if you get married afterwards!
9:03am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW
I was raised Catholic myself, so I’m well familiar with the guilt/shame spiral that causes adherents to cherry-pick which “sins” they commit – Catholic guilt certainly doesn’t stop people from engaging in premarital sex, but it does sometimes prevent them from seeking proper birth control, because only a “loose” woman would be so brazen as to go that far. So then they are more likely to get pregnant, compounding their sense of shame… and perhaps will even go so far as to get an abortion rather than bear the public ignominy of being a “fallen” woman. Saw this happen with friends and relatives. It’s a weird, counterproductive mindset that causes a lot of misery that could be avoided if they weren’t taught by the Church to be so hung up about natural urges.
9:01am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW

Free Expression

Andrew Napolitano weighs in on a new federal law that could result in felony charges for those trying to petition our rulers for redress of our grievances as if this were still America [video]

9:20am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW