Blog Heap of Links for the day 22 March 2012

Links in this view: 3



he calls the media’s suppression of his findings of a likely forged presidential birth certificate and Selective Service Card “probably the biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States.”

“I’m not going after the president to keep him off a ballot or anything else, but that could happen,” Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. “I’m going at it strictly as a law-enforcement guy investigating a possible forgery and fraud. I’m sticking with that, but I’ll tell you one thing. We got tons of other information that could be very shocking, too, but I’m sticking now with just the [forgery] investigation and possible criminal violations.”

6:17pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 22 :MW

Theory of Education

Helen Lovejoy

"Russell Hobby, of the National Association of Head Teachers, confirmed some schools were adopting best-friend bans."

By the same logic, romantic relationships will be banned, on the pretext that feelings will be hurt if they don’t work out.... A slave’s only meaningful relationship should be with his master: Big Government.

5:58pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 22 :MW

Just a Fluke

“So, I’m not familiar with specific department store policies. I know that some generic forms of contraception are less expensive than others and that that has been widely reported. But what has not been widely reported is that many women cannot use those forms of contraception.”

“Women have different types of medical needs that require much more expensive forms,” she said. “One woman contacted me. She was very, very upset that that quote was being emphasized because she has a genetic condition that requires her to use contraception that costs $1,500.”

[um... right. h/t Ace of Spades]

9:18pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 22 :MW