Blog Heap of Links for the day 4 April 2012

Links in this view: 5


[Elena Kagen, photo. Warning: NSFW or weak stomachs]

11:56am CDT Wed 2012 Apr 4 :MW

Obama says the GOP budget will make weather reporting less accurate.

Really Barack?… Really?

11:54am CDT Wed 2012 Apr 4 :MW

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin


With impunity, foul mouths like Bill Maher can call Sarah Palin a “c*nt” and a “dumb twat” and be excused by Obama’s hatchet man David Axelrod. Vile morons like Ed Schultz can characterize Laura Ingraham as “a talk slut,” Republicans as Nazis, and wish former VP Dick Cheney were dead. Mike Malloy can refer to Rep. Bachmann as a “hatemonger” and an evil bitch. Matt Taibbi can blog about Michelle Malkin “with a big, hairy set of balls in her mouth.”

Yet, Rush Limbaugh is the misogynist? Yup, in the twisted left dictionary!

I have a few news flashes for liberals. One, your hypocrisy and contempt for women are showing and two, both FOX News and Rush Limbaugh will be around long after liberalism is exposed for what it is, a despicable, hateful, and deceitful ideology more suited for the old Soviet Union than for America.

[h/t berlet98 at Moonbattery]

7:24pm CDT Wed 2012 Apr 4 :MW

Beatles - still with us

A Beatles reunion might be impossible, but music fans may yet get to see Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starkey on stage together, because the Beatles' sons have mooted the idea of starting a band.

12:52pm CDT Wed 2012 Apr 4 :MW

Dinosaurs - still with us

T Rex

a new tyrannosaur species in northeastern China that lived 60 million years before T. rex. The fossil record preserved remains of fluffy down, making it the largest feathered dinosaur ever found.

If a T. rex relative had feathers, why not T. rex? Scientists said the evidence is trending in that direction
[h/t Ace of Spades]

6:18pm CDT Wed 2012 Apr 4 :MW