Familiar Voices

There's something strangely familiar about the voices of the Obama administration. Hmmm.

Reviews, blushingly recorded

Love the video. Great work.
—wheatie, Ace of Spades

Good job on the video, mindful webworker! I particularly liked Holder as Sgt. Schultz.
—FenelonSpoke, Ace of Spades

That was great!
—runningrn, Ace of Spades

Very creative.
But I'm not laughing cuz these fuckers are no laughing matter.
They literally hate us and want us destroyed.
But I can guarantee I hate em back.
—GnuBreed on Ace of Spades

Pilfered sources, gratefully acknowledged:

Barack Milhussein Nixon image:

Dramatic suspenseful music:
posted by: TheCandid

Jay Carney video:
Carney: Benghazi Happened A Long Time Ago
posted by: WashingtonFreeBeacon

Baghdad Bob audio:
Iraq's Comical Ali
posted by: GemmasTheme

Hillary Clinton Video:
SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened?
posted by: Wayne Dupree

Bringing up old $#!+ audio from the film Friday (iMDB)
Why you bringin up old stuff
posted by: Logas25

Eric Holder video:
Eric Holder Was Uncertain Who Authorized Subpoenas
posted by: goprapidresponse

Sgt Shultz (Hogan's Heroes, John Bonner) audio:
I See Nothing - Sgt Schultz
by Dutchnoble

Obama video:
President Obama on IRS Scrutiny
posted by TheNewYorkTimes

Nixon audio:
Richard Nixon - "I'm not a crook" [HIGHER QUALITY - FULL VERSION]
posted by maxpowers518

Obama dictator audio:
Obama: "I am not a dictator, I'm the president"
by CBSNewsOnline