Barack Obama
Thank you for posting these.
The first interview, and the Fox interview were informative.
“Women’s rights are human rights,” Clinton tweeted. “That was a radical idea back in 1995. It shouldn’t still be two decades later.”
Subjects: Hillary Clinton, Progressives Playbook, Obama ate dog
I had a half-dozen ideas for variations on the portraits. Before 48 hours had passed, every one of them had been done by somebody. But it's how the World Wide Mind works.
…trying to get well-known actresses to give him rubdowns in the nude or trying to get a pass from grabbing the breasts of models…
Trump rolls back Obama health insurance regulations
Trump upends Obama's 'Most Important Climate Regulation'
I thought he used a mirror!
Nice speech.
Alas: John Roberts.
I wonder, did he employ this "hope you hurt" philosophy when he threw in with the enemy and told us Obamacare was a tax? :(
His MomJeans were in the wash?
He's finally taking fashion advice from his daughter?
I think maybe I should Levi this topic for others to Wrangler with.
Republican Senators are planning on keeping the details of their Obamacare replacement bill secret
Yeah, yeah.
How hard is it to "repeal and replace"? This hard:
…Borgo Finocchieto, a refurbished 14th century village… features… multiple saunas and Jacuzzis, a swimming pool, a gym and a basketball court…
Re Obama on phone: The picture is and the caption are #fakenews. Actually, I hadn't seen this caption before, just the pic.
One brought Frankincense, one brought Myrrh, and one brought an iPod packed with Presidential speeches. "Pure gold," he said.
PP: …The review would specifically address Obama’s Bear Ears…
Bear ears? Usually we just called him "jug-eared"… the usual abbreviation on Ace of Spades being "JEF."
My 2¢ on the suppositional scenario...
• Book
Last thread, MP4 posted a link to Marilyn's special HBD JFK dress ... here's my use of it from back in Aug 2014:
Vic #71: ...Obamacare... idiot Republicans drag their feet with repeal arguing about what to replace it with.
Favorite meme/buzzword?
Barack Obama is a
Howdy, alla y'all.
Since there was no JJ's morning report to show this off today...
I read that Nobel Peace Prize Pres is the first in history to have had wars going on every day of his Presidency. Quite a record.
Hey, I did these for J.J. Sefton’s Ace of Spades Morning Report, but they don’t own them, so if you want to use them, too, feel free. (Do images show up here with just the URL?
Barack Hussein Obama #148: You know who else deserves a medal (and a pardon)? Anybody who gives me a medal...
cth: … space was small and I decided a good graphic with an easy to digest message was more important than thoroughness.
Great use of that overloaded donkey cart picture!
In addition to the House Reps, Senators, and Governors, I think there were quite a few state legislatures that were turned as well.
Oh, how shocking. I'll bet all the Demoncrats will now utterly withdraw any support for Obama -and Ryan and the spineless #NeverTrump RINO herd, as well. Uh-huh. You bet!
Still plowing through comments.
...Magic Teflon Negro with a vaporware resume and the ability to Talk White While Being Barely Black. etc.
By the way...
Ted Cruz Leads the Charge to Stop Obama's Internet Giveaway
Okay, y'all, let's pitch in and do the work Maet isn't doing.
Case #126: I think Obama is going to speak to the country again.
J.J. Sefton #131: You mean "talk at." He never "speaks to" anyone. Sick bastard.
Where have I been? Lurking, working, and j... just busy, okay?