Blog Heap of Links for the day 19 March 2011

Links in this view: 5


Commenter Sam St.Croix: The Obama's are self-absorbed bigots. The chip on their shoulders is their badge of pride. They are an evil pair who hate mainstream American values and are determined to destroy America's economic superiority. A more ignorant couple has never resided in the White House. They are having a great time shamelessly flaunting the spending of taxpayer money on vacations and diversions during the current recession, while most of the rest of the citizenry are forced to cut back and make do with less.

1:21am CDT Sat 2011 Mar 19 :MW

Playing Politics

Blogger, lawyer Ann Althouse, who has been covering the Wisconsin labor dispute, received what can only be called a declaration of war on her from someone - or, more likely, some people - who don't like her anti-union sentiments.

12:17am CDT Sat 2011 Mar 19 :MW

Sharia Sucks

With sharia heads roll literally and figuratively. Start with gay folks. Not only will they be forced back into the closet, they will come into the closet and drag you out for your head; the big one. Then there is the women. Muzzies have serious issues with women. No more abortion, no more driving, no more education, a paradigm shift in the way you dress. By age 8 they start eyeing your girls for marriage. Then there is this pesky thing about the actual Sharia law. Hell, people in the ghetto will be missing hands, arms, eyes. No more pig, the other white meat. These stupid libs don't understand this is one snake you don't want to screw with.

7:02pm CDT Sat 2011 Mar 19 :MW

Only Natural

EarthquakeAccording to the unnamed senior official, US support was based on dismantling the troubled reactors run by Tokyo Electric Power

9:47pm CDT Sat 2011 Mar 19 :MW

Sarah Palin 2012

Like it or not unless we dump the current crop of the establishment cocktail party we are looking at a 2nd Obama term (hard to believe I know) and a third party — the Tea Party. This will be the fault of Boehner and crew -not us. They join a voting block with Dems to pass another Dem continuing resolution while claiming their hands are tied by the procedural rules. WTF? Here is one that that gets it — Allen West I hope it catches on with the cocktail party.

5:47pm CDT Sat 2011 Mar 19 :MW