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Sarah Palin 2012

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Concord Monitor • Mon 2012 Jan 2, 12:13pm

Sarah Palin isn't running for president, but that isn't stopping her supporters, who are encouraging Iowans to "vote rogue" and caucus for the former Alaska governor on Jan. 3.

A group called Sarah Palin's Iowa Earthquake has produced a number of TV and radio commercials available online. • Thu 2011 Sep 8, 4:01pm

Hillary ClintonThey had their chance to have a strong woman in Hillary. Instead, they chose a weak minority male. Most likely they wasted their chance with Hillary because if a Republican wins in 2012 and things improve at all, the GOP will probably win in 2016. The year 2020 is probably too late for Hillary to make a comeback. And although anything can happen, as far as I can tell, there are no other strong females on the Democratic horizon. Additionally, there don't appear to be any strong blacks on the Democratic horizon either. Or, for that matter, any minorities. The Republicans, on the other hand, have some rising African-American stars in Congressman Allen West of Florida and businessman Herman Cain. Florida Senator Marco Rubio, of Cuban descent; Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, of Indian descent; and a host of women might steal the spotlight from the Democrats' big tent -- to say nothing of New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, also of Hispanic origin, and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, with Indian ancestry. Ironic, isn't it? • Sun 2011 Sep 4, 6:03pm

Sarah Palin 45x45She was registered to to walk in the 'Jump Right in and Run' half marathon and 5k walk here in beautiful Storm Lake, Iowa, so we had to hurry home from the big Tea Party of America rally that Governor Palin spoke at held in Indianola Iowa on Saturday. I was still in bed at a little after 7am this morning when my wife called me in near hysterics that she had just met Todd and Sarah Palin as she was getting ready to start the event! Unbelievably... they were here in town! ... No one even knew who they were. Wearing visors and sunglasses, with no entourage or people around them, they just kind of blended right in. ... After speaking with them for a while I let them go sort of mingle with others, I didn't want be a pest after all, but before they left they came back over to me and my wife, thanked us again and said they were so happy to meet us, then stood for a quick picture. ... to the people who did recognize her, she was as gracious and friendly as one could be. You can just tell she loves people, is very sincerely interested in learning about you and what's going on in the area. • Sat 2011 Sep 3, 12:06pm

Hillary ClintonPlenty of people… have neatly dissected New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller’s perfect storm of ignorance and bias when it comes to the religious beliefs of those running for the GOP presidential nominee. … the establishment media function the way Hillary Clinton once claimed the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy operated…. • Fri 2011 Sep 2, 8:47pm

Stacy Drake of Conservatives for Palin writes: "I do know that Ken Crow is a Rick Perry supporter who has managed to make a mess out of a highly publicized event that Governor Palin will be headlining on Saturday. I also know that he has been trashing Governor Palin to the press." • Thu 2011 Sep 1, 10:34pm

Romney's campaign will argue that Perry is against the very idea of Social Security and Medicare, and that he will use Perry's book to scare seniors in early-primary states with large retiree populations, such as Florida and South Carolina. The Romney campaign also plans to use immigration to drive a wedge between Perry and his conservative base, by highlighting Perry's opposition to a border fence and legislation he signed in 2001 allowing the children of illegal immigrants to attend Texas colleges and universities at in-state tuition. • Thu 2011 Sep 1, 9:51pm

complete video of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's complete remarks to the National Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting in San Antonio, Texas • Tue 2011 Aug 30, 5:21pm

"This guy thinks we were drug dealers. Rick is looking down a rifle but he keeps talking." By the time the conversation had finished, the rancher had written a cheque for the Perry campaign. • Mon 2011 Aug 29, 12:45pm

Two weeks away from the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul says that U.S. intervention in the Middle East is a main motivation behind terrorist hostilities toward America, and that Islam is not a threat to the nation. • Mon 2011 Aug 29, 11:58am

Sarah Palin 45x45Frank Luntz, formerly considered to be an objective pollster whose reports could be counted upon for their evenhanded dissemination of scientifically generated data, has just come out of the closet as America's newest Sarah Palin basher. According to the newly self redefined Luntz, "…there is no room for Sarah Palin…" to join the presidential race since she and Michelle Bachmann are basically the same candidate. ... I say it without hesitation that Mr. Luntz could not have been more completely wrong had he chosen to vent his partisan agenda on any other topic. That he could be so utterly incorrect about something so easily apparent to any who approach the topic with their eyes open is doubtless less than reassuring to those considering paying him for his opinion. ... • Mon 2011 Aug 29, 9:27am

Sarah Palin 45x45ObamaPalin hasn't officially entered the race she's already running third in primary polls in Florida. (Wow — running third although she isn't even a candidate yet.) So what happens if she gets in and gets the nomination? What if the race ends up being Palin v. Obama? If it does, Obama may find out how Walter Mondale felt after running against Reagan in 1984. But he will surely find out how Jimmy Carter felt when he faced Reagan in 1980. ... Palin v. Obama will be a landslide (and Obama knows it). • Mon 2011 Aug 29, 9:24am

The Trans-Texas Corridor is one such emerging line of criticism against Gov. Perry. First proposed by Perry in 2002, the north-south running road would have also included a railway, petroleum pipeline, power lines, and communications cables. ... conservatives who criticize Gov. Perry over the proposed use of eminent domain to build a road aren't just wrong — they're actually advocating a position that is unconstitutional it its core. ... [Hmmmm. Not all the facts are included in this article.] • Fri 2011 Aug 26, 10:22am

Here is Rick Perry on the campaign trail recently, responding brusquely to an Iowa college student who asked him a well-researched question about his debt accumulation record in Texas. ... Perry pokes the student in the chest with his index finger and then gives him the complete brush-off telling him … "You obviously don't know what you're talking about, brother." • Thu 2011 Aug 25, 4:46pm

Sarah Palin 45x45Sarah Palin wrote a note titled On the Future of Libya: "We join the Libyan people in gratefulness as we hear of Col. Gaddafi's defeat. The fall of a tyrant and sponsor of terrorism is a great day for freedom-loving people around the world. But the path to democracy in Libya is not complete, and we must make wise choices to ensure that our national interests are protected...." • Mon 2011 Aug 22, 5:04pm

the Constitution would see a major overhaul if the Texas governor and Republican presidential candidate had his druthers. ... Perry laid out these proposed innovations to the founding document in his book ... He has occasionally mentioned them on the campaign trail. Several of his ideas fall within the realm of mainstream conservative thinking today, but, as you will see, there are also a few surprises. ... Despite saying last month that he was "fine with" states like New York allowing gay marriage, Perry has now said he supports a constitutional amendment that would permanently ban gay marriage throughout the country and overturn any state laws that define marriage beyond a relationship between one man and one woman. ... Perry said that he would support a federal amendment outlawing abortion because it was "so the soul of this country and to the traditional values [of] our founding fathers." [h/t Mafia Rose commenting on HillBuzz] • Mon 2011 Aug 22, 4:33pm

The Gardasil debacle is just one of many concerns a wide range of grass-roots conservative activists have about Perry's record as governor. He's soft on illegal immigration despite a few recent nods to border enforcement. He's prone to crony capitalism. And as the vaccine mandate scandal shows, he demonstrated Nanny State tendencies that are anathema to Tea Party core principles. A clearer, more forthright apology about the Gardasil executive order would have helped. But in the end, I don't think there's anything he can do to 'fix' his political/ideological instincts. They are what they are. -Michelle Malkin [h/t Patti commenting on HillBuzz] • Fri 2011 Aug 19, 4:51pm

Sarah Palin 45x45Sarah Palin's Sept. 3 event has been relocated from Waukee to Indianola to better accommodate a larger crowd, organizers said.Palin is the keynote speaker at the Tea Party of America's 'Restoring America' event, which is free and open to the public.The event was originally scheduled at Hawkeye Antique Acres in Waukee. The event is now scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the National Balloon Classic field, east of Indianola.There has been speculation that Palin, a former governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, could use the event as an opportunity to announce whether she plans to run for president in 2012. • Thu 2011 Aug 18, 6:07pm

Sarah Palin 45x45Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan have had good, inspiring, on-target things to say about the US fiscal crisis. Michelle Bachmann has had good things to say. John Bolton had an important piece making the case that national security is inextricably linked with fiscal security, a much-needed point in the context of the recent debate. But Sarah Palin came through today with a Facebook post that strikes the right tone and is at once simple, direct, and comprehensive. It doesn't rail at past mistakes, nor does it come across as a raised-voice, you've-got-to-get-this-people communication. Palin takes it for granted — with refreshing common sense — that we are in a crisis, its features are obvious, and the task now is to deal with it, not continue to argue whether it's really a crisis or how big it is or whose name we can pin on it. • Thu 2011 Aug 18, 6:04pm

Sarah Palin 45x45Blaming the Tea Party for our credit downgrade is akin to Nero blaming the Christians for burning Rome. Tea Party Americans weren't the ones "fiddling" while our country's fiscal house was going up in smoke. In fact, we commonsense fiscal conservatives were the ones grabbing for the extinguishers while politically correct politicians and their cronies buried their heads in what soon became this bonfire. • Tue 2011 Aug 16, 1:54pm

Special Guest Commentary by the Sarah Palin Homunculus that Lives Inside Liberals' Heads ... Well ya see, the deal is I'm not Sarah, but boy I gotta tell ya, we sure do get mistaken all the time! No, I'm just a plain ol' homunculus Sarah Palin that your own id created to sublimate your deep-seated psychosexual neuroses. Or so those egghead books say, anyway. • Tue 2011 Aug 16, 1:32pm

Ten years after 9/11, can't we nominate someone who can speak to the ominous threat posed by Islamic supremacists in this country? ... Rick Perry must not be the Republican nominee. Rick Perry must not be President. Have we not had enough of this systemic sedition? • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 3:47pm

American conservatism, the philosophy of smaller, Constitutionally-oriented government is extremely fragile in a world where a surprise event can "reset" the government to its 50-year default position of progressivism, socialism, and top down control. • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 3:27pm

Sarah Palin 45x45Of all current or former governors among the leading candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, no one's record of dealing with his or her state's debt and unfunded liabilities compares with that of Sarah Palin during her three fiscal years at the helm in Alaska. • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 3:25pm

The problem for Perry, in the blinding light of the national stage, is that he may ultimately be seen as the swaggering rooster who believes the sun came up because of all that crowing. Texas was a conservative, small government, pro-business state long before he was in charge, and Texas will remain so long after he's gone. Americans may conclude that Texas jobs would have materialized whether Perry was governor or not, and it might just be to Texas business' credit, not Perry's, that they did. • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 3:21pm

the ONLY reason Perry keeps getting re-elected is because his challengers ALWAYS suck worse. ... Basically He's Mitt Romney light, a big government guy. ... Besides Gardasil, which Perry went around the legislature and issued an Executive Order trying to get in place, there was the Trans-Texas Corridor fiasco. ... more on Gardasil. It seems Perry and some of his cronies got big donations from the drug maker, Merck. ... There's a LOT more. Rick has sucked up to LULAC and La Raza (The Race) for a decades. He signed our version of the DREAM act, which, as RomneyCare was the blueprint for ObamaCare, serves as the blueprint for the federal version of the DREAM Act. Oh, and here's a lovely photo of Rick and his buddies from ACORN circa 2008.... • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 12:53pm

ObamaPresident Obama delivered a high-profile speech to NCLR last week, letting the radicals know he plans on giving more to them than just cash. ... the NCLR is a radical racialist group — too many members have absolutely no respect for the United States, most especially not for our immigration laws! (This was evident when the NCLR crowd urged Obama to violate the Constitution during his speech and unilaterally grant amnesty.) Moreover, this is the same organization that supports "radical Chicano" groups that seek to conquer the American Southwest by force or by ballot box and return it to Mexico. ... No matter the reason why Obama is pushing his illegal immigration strategy — whether it's a deep-seated belief or a ploy to attract the Hispanic vote — his polices are downright dangerous and flagrantly unconstitutional. • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 12:50pm

A mystery company that pumped $1 million into a political committee backing Mitt Romney has been dissolved just months after it was formed, leaving few clues as to who was behind one of the biggest contributions yet of the 2012 presidential campaign. ... a vivid example of how secret campaign cash is being funneled in ever more circuitous ways into the political system. ... • Tue 2011 Aug 2, 11:49am

Her face was plastered on billboards. The press had her staked out. She couldn't go anywhere without the Secret Service and an entourage, so when did she conduct these clandestine shopping sprees? If you believe that, than you are dumb enough to believe that the woman who took on corruption in her state and ousted a sitting governor from her own party didn't know that Africa was a continent, not a country, or the parties to the North American Free Trade Agreement. • Tue 2011 Aug 2, 11:34am

John McCainFormer U.S. presidential candidate John McCain on Tuesday shrugged off criticism leveled at his running mate, Sarah Palin, saying he expects her "to play a big role in the future of this country." • Tue 2011 Aug 2, 11:17am

"I did not order the clothes. Did not ask for the clothes. I would have been happy to have worn my own clothes from day one," she says. "But that is kind of an odd issue, an odd campaign issue as things were wrapping up there as to who ordered what and who demanded what." She continues, "I haven't really heard how all of that evolved until we started getting criticized for supposedly asking for all of these clothes, my family and me. And I still don't have all of the answers. But it just seems like such an irrelevant issue when you consider what is going on in the world today and how a new administration is being ushered in and people being concerned about the direction of the nation and policies that will be adopted and also being excited about this moment in our nation's history, clothes just seem irrelevant." Governor Palin says she finds it "puzzling" that critics accused her of not knowing—among other things—what countries made up NAFTA or whether Africa was a continent or a country. "I remember that discussion," she says, referring to NAFTA. "But there was never a question about, well, who are the participants in NAFTA? So for my discussion there to be spun into something that it was not and then being broadcast on national television, again, based on anonymous sources, that's been another puzzling thing to me." So, is Africa a country or a continent? "Never, ever, did I talk about, well, gee, is it [Africa] a country or is it a continent?" she says. "I just don't know about this issue. So I don't know how they took our one discussion on Africa and turned that into what they turned it into."
