Blog Heap of Links for the day 28 March 2012

Links in this view: 4



Barack Hussein Obama’s appeal is simple: he is the personification of treason, which is the most basic impulse of the America-hating elitist liberals who run the media and installed him in power.

8:22am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW

Bad Parents

In an episode of Lifetime's "Dance Moms" called "Topless Showgirls," Pittsburgh dance instructor Abby Lee Miller teaches her eight-year-old students a "classic" burlesque dance, replete with flesh-toned bras to simulate the "illusion of nudity." [Video]
[h/t Pistol Pete at Polination]

8:38am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW

US Civil War - still with us

Ralph Nader inteviewing Judge Napolitano about Abraham Lincoln [video]

8:27am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW

Post-Racist World

If the demonstrators were merely calling for an investigation that would be proper. But the cries for retribution, and the accusations of racism, which dominate the public demonstrations are not. And that goes for the statement of the President as well. Not willing to be separated from his racial constituency, even when they are behaving badly, Obama has lent his prestige to the insinuation that the crime was inspired by the victim’s race. Otherwise there would be no reason to mention the fact that “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” Everyone who has a son should be concerned by the loss of this life. By making it racial, the president is establishing guilt without evidence, and indicting non-black America as well.
[h/t Pistol Pete at Polination]

8:31am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW