Blog Heap of Links for the day 4 May 2012

Links in this view: 8


Cutie-pie O
Earlier today Barack Obama posed for photos before he gave his speech tonight. [Photo of little man dwarfed by equipment] Tonight Barack Obama gave a speech at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan.
US soldiers were not allowed. [Entirely a matter of the President's safety, I'm sure. Um, wait. I'll bet Bush never felt safer than when surrounded by American soldiers. Hmmm.]
8:08pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW
Angry O Revolting Mao
I have a doc who was born and educated in China. ... Before Barkey’s election, my doc told me that Obamao was a perfect name for him because the things he was saying were exactly what Mao said, and that Mao came to power in the same way Obamao has.
4:40pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW

Mass Madness

There’s outrage in Norfolk, Va., today after a white couple was attacked by dozens of black teenagers, and the local newspaper did not report on the incident for two weeks, despite the victims being reporters for the paper. ... “Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim....”
8:10pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW

Know the Enemy

Below is the timeline I made of the 2011 Zuccotti Park Occupation. Mixed into the chronology is the involvement of both Obama Democrats, the Democrat Media Complex, and the owners of Zuccotti Park. When you get to the bottom, I think you’ll understand why a huge multi-national corporation worth mega billions would allow anti-Capitalist protesters to squat in their park, despite its association with 9/11.
7:50pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW

Beatles - still with us

George Harrison's widow Olivia hopes to add more perspective on the reticent Beatle with her new digital book, and fill in the blanks left by Martin Scorsese's recent documentary.
2:17pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW

Family Patterns

Many smart people have spent many long years researching a strange phenomenon related to birth order. [Amusing comparative chart]
4:16pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW

Breitbart is Here

LA County Forensic Technician, Michael Cormier was apparently involved in the the autopsy and was set to submit a final report about the details surrounding Breitbart's untimely passing. Unfortunately, he never got that chance as he too was killed in what seems to be a likely related homicide.
7:20pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW


These patriotic Texas women give them a pillow, let the troops know that they pray for them, then thank them for their service. And one of these wonderful ladies took the following pictures... she noted that everyone was quite surprised to see George and Laura Bush suddenly standing quietly in the waiting area with others who come to meet the troop planes.... no hoopla, no show. She also remarked that it was amazing to watch the faces of the soldiers light up in recognition when they spotted the Bushes, and that many came over to speak and shake their hands... [Photos]
9:30pm CDT Fri 2012 May 4 :MW