Blog Heap of Links for the day 16 May 2015

Links in this view: 4

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin

…State Department and Pentagon officials… have asked television networks to stop using stock footage that makes the terror army seem more mobile - and more formidable - than they say it actually is.…

9:11pm CDT Sat 2015 May 16 :MW

Know the Enemy

Just this week the Vatican decided to recognize the “Palestinian State.” The question has to be which state? Is it recognizing the one in the Gaza Strip run by the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas, which has in its charter the destruction of Israel? Or does the Vatican recognize the one in the West Bank, headquartered in Ramallah, run by the original Islamic terrorist organization, Fatah?…

9:07pm CDT Sat 2015 May 16 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Gates of Vienna Newsfeed

Abu Sayyaf, a senior commander for the Islamic State, was reportedly killed by U.S. special forces in Iraq. The commandos who killed Mr. Sayyaf were attempting to capture him, but he resisted. His wife, known as Umm Sayyaf, was captured and is said to be in Iraqi military detention.

In other news, former Egyptian President and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi has been sentenced to death for his role in a 2011 jailbreak during the “Arab Spring”.

[much more] retro'd day late

11:11pm CDT Sat 2015 May 16 :MW

ABC’s Clinton Defender-in-Chief, O’Reilly: Hillary’s Getting The Nomination, Gowdy Still Waiting On Benghazi Documents, and more.

10:21pm CDT Sat 2015 May 16 :MW