Blog Heap of Links for the day 28 December 2015

Links in this view: 5

Know the Enemy

The cleric who likely assisted the San Bernardino shooters

-saw rhe husband ar least three times a week for two years yet denied knowing him

-held a huge reception for the shooter to celebrate his wedding and cooked for him, yet denied knowing him

- recieved 38 texts from the shooter during the attack on the
Chattanooga military facility

- posted on his Facebook that the shooters were a flee flag operation by the CIA

- is the brother of the imam who took over after terrorist recruiter superstar Anwar Al Alaki left the US

- belongs to a religious sect of Islam called Tablighi which is infamous for recruiting for Al Qaeda. Tablighi sects were under FBI surveillance until 2012., when Obama ordered it stopped

This should be screamed from every roof top

Reposted in full, with assumed implicit permission
1:03pm CST Mon 2015 Dec 28 :MW

Raising Ourselves

…My parents had no choice in the genetic gifts they bestowed upon me, but, those other things, they worked their fingers to the bone to see that I and my two sisters had them. Any parent of any ethnicity can bestow those same gifts on their children. …

Excellent article. Read the whole thing.
12:59pm CST Mon 2015 Dec 28 :MW

Prehistory - still with us

…Galgal Refaim (Hebrew for “wheel of ghosts”) is the largest and oldest stone structure in the Middle East, containing 42,000 basalt stones and dating back 5,000 years – making it a contemporary of England’s Stonehenge.

But curiously, the archaeological site remains shrouded in mystery and experts cannot agree on what it was used for. Situated on the Golan Heights, the structure is comprised of concentric circles in the form of a labyrinth with walls reaching some eight feet high. …

7:40pm CST Mon 2015 Dec 28 :MW

Now *That's* Funny!

…June… On the political front, the big story is Donald Trump, who declares his candidacy for president and lays out a bold, far-reaching vision for America consisting of whatever thought is flitting through his mind at that particular moment. Trump is deemed to have no chance by veteran Washington-based political experts with vast knowledge of what all the other veteran Washington-based political experts think. Also declaring his candidacy, and predicted by the experts to do far better, is Jeb Bush, whose official campaign slogan is: “Jeb! — The Exclamation Mark Denotes Enthusiasm.”…

2:52pm CST Mon 2015 Dec 28 :MW

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1973 the Endangered Species Act was signed by Richard Nixon and went into effect. It was actually called for by Nixon who, contrary to what the MFM says, was probably the most liberal Republican President in history. And this act has been in the top 5 of the most abused laws passed by congress.…

Vic drops his news on the overnight thread. It's a weird day.
11:21am CST Mon 2015 Dec 28 :MW