Blog Heap of Links for the day 4 July 2016

Links in this view: 2

Defending Ourselves

…“With Halos, one can now post a giant warning sign for those contemplating violence. Halos’ maps illustrate not only where the good guys are (or are not) but how many are present. We believe that this will create a ‘halo’ effect of safety for our users and deter criminals where there are high concentrations of gun-carrying citizens.”…

Umm, certain drawbacks spring to mind immediately. But at least it's not saying that areas not highlighted are devoid of defenders.
11:50am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 4 :MW

Breitbart is Here

…On this day in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was formally adopted by the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

Vic's Independence Day Report, 2016
11:34am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 4 :MW