Blog Heap of Links for the day 13 December 2016

Links in this view: 2

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1937 The city of Nanking, China was taken by the Japanese Army and the "Rape of Nanking" was on as Japanese troops raped and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians in the city. A total of 7 officers were later convicted of war crimes and hanged.…

Vic's news links and comments start with the look back
11:13am CST Tue 2016 Dec 13 :MW
Ace of Spades

Good morning, kids. Not to put too fine a point on it but the Democrats and the institutional Left, aided and abetted by the GOP-wing of their uniparty, are attempting to overthrow the election and the will of the American people.…

JJ gets your day warmed up with news headline links
10:54am CST Tue 2016 Dec 13 :MW