Blog Heap of Links for the day 16 March 2018

Links in this view: 3

Language Culture

Trivia - the bit of coastal land in between Holland and Denmark is known as Frisia, and the Frisian language still survives, although those who still can speak it dwindle every year. I heard a recording of some of it once, and something about it fascinated me - to the ear, it sounded almost exactly like English, except that it used a different vocabulary. (I suppose that means phrasing and vowel sounds are the same) It was like hearing people speak English in another room where you couldn't quite make it out.

6:08pm CDT Fri 2018 Mar 16 :MW

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1935 Adolf Hitler ordered Germany to rearm in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Conscription was reintroduced to form the Wehrmacht. Sound familiar? It should.…

Vic fills in JJ's report with moor.
8:03am CDT Fri 2018 Mar 16 :MW
Ace of Spades

…Friday and not too soon. I'm under the weather with a wicked head cold so this will be really brief and not just Sefton-brief.…

Sefton briefs us on the world.
8:00am CDT Fri 2018 Mar 16 :MW