Blog Heap of Links for the day 19 March 2018

Links in this view: 2

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1920 the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles for the second time (the first time was on November 19, 1919). It came close to passing on one vote but could not get the 2/3 majority needed for ratification. The biggest stumbling block was an article that allowed the league of nations to go to war without a vote by the US congress. In addition to that there was a lot of resistance to getting involved with the European problems. We have all the same problems with the UN but FDR/Truman was able to power that through easily because he was virtually a dictator.

Vic's links are always linky.
Even when the news is stinky.
-Burma Shades
12:35pm CDT Mon 2018 Mar 19 :MW
Ace of Spades

…Another week has begun and the aftermath of the firing of Andrew McCabe has made the Dem-Left-Media complex go completely off the rails. What's truly frightening now are national figures who are threatening the President, some very thinly veiled and some outright.…

JJ was a bit late with the morning report today. So, it's okay that I'm much later in linking to it, right?
12:04pm CDT Mon 2018 Mar 19 :MW