Blog Heap of Links for the day 26 March 2018

Links in this view: 2

Breitbart is Here

Ace of Spades

…Start of another week and the lead stories are all about the aftermath of Friday's omnibus bill fiasco. Some are trying to find any kind of a silver lining to what I and many others think was a major mistake on the part of the President in signing this.…

The Morning Report, JJ's daily magnum opus.
1:46pm CDT Mon 2018 Mar 26 :MW

…On this day in 1812 a political cartoon in the Boston Gazette coined the term "gerrymander" to describe oddly shaped electoral districts designed to help incumbents win reelection. It was named after Governor Elbridge Gerry.

Vic couldn't wait for the Morning Report. Early bird links to all the worms.
1:14pm CDT Mon 2018 Mar 26 :MW