Blog Heap of Links for the day 17 May 2018

Links in this view: 2


Turbaned O

The U.S. Justice Department has agreed to provide congressional investigators confidential records on a failed gun-trafficking operation during the Obama administration known as "Fast and Furious"…

10:52am CDT Thu 2018 May 17 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Ace of Spades

…The big story today… NY Times… confirming that the FBI essentially ran a completely illegal spy operation against the Trump presidential campaign. There were no warrants, there was no judge. The FBI at its highest levels went out and spied on a US presidential candidate for the purposes of gathering information that could be used to either sabotage his campaign or to take him out, politically or by prosecution in court.…

10:11am CDT Thu 2018 May 17 :MW