Blog Heap of Links for the day 12 September 2018

Links in this view: 2

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1959 Bonanza premiered on NBC and was the first regularly scheduled TV program presented in color. It was also the first color TV program I ever saw. I watched it over at Grandparent's house when they got a color TV.…

Vic's teasing. He was never a kid.
9:07am CDT Wed 2018 Sep 12 :MW
Ace of Spades

…In the lead this morning, a ramping up of Democrat-Leftist violence as a would-be knife-wielding assailant attempted to assassinate Rudy Peters, the GOP candidate opposing Democrat Eric Swalwell. Despite the attack being precipitated by an anti-Trump rant, the motive of the assailant, identified as one Farzad Fazeli still remains a mystery.…

Crack reporter Sefton is on the case.
8:02am CDT Wed 2018 Sep 12 :MW