Blog Heap of Links for the day 14 September 2018

Links in this view: 1

Breitbart is Here

Ace of Spades

…Along with the politicization of the hurricane as well as the disgusting, desperate attempt for a last minute derailing of Brett Kavanaugh's inevitable and well-deserved confirmation as an associate justice on the Supreme Court, there is a story that is going to be lost in the sauce and I want to hit it and hard.

John Kerry, the shameless gold-digging, effete, elitist naif who participated in the Vietnam war (mostly as a propagandist for the NVA/VC) and served as Secretary of State to Prez'dnt Kenya-Kona Blend, has been conspiring with the Iranian regime to sabotage the foreign policy of the United States of America and the sitting President.…

JJ provides the straight-up stuff for our elucidation.
9:05am CDT Fri 2018 Sep 14 :MW