Blog Heap of Links for the day 29 September 2018

Links in this view: 2

Political Theater

Kathleen Sengstock

…Kathleen Sengstock, Senior Legislative Assistant to Rep. Maxine Waters for foreign affairs and health policy. So you think doxxing a couple of Republican Senators was ok? Can you say BUSTED? I thought ya could. How would you feel if I put your address on here?

As of 3:15pm CDST this account is now suspended.
11:29am CDT Sat 2018 Sep 29 :MW

Earth Shakes


…hundreds already confirmed dead after a powerful earthquake sent a tsunami barreling into the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Friday. …official death toll at 384 by Saturday afternoon, all of them in the tsunami-struck city of Palu, but warned the toll was likely to rise. …many bodies still lay on the ground near the shore, the day after tsunami waves of 1.5 meters, or five feet, hit the shore. …tsunami was triggered by a 7.5-magnitude earthquake that sent buildings crumbling…

11:25am CDT Sat 2018 Sep 29 :MW