Blog Heap of Links for the day 1 November 2018

Links in this view: 3

Digital Terrorism

gab frog

…Someone turned on the propane tank on my parent’s gas grill, turned the burner on, and let the propane leak out. This is terrorism, incited by the media.…

11:40am CDT Thu 2018 Nov 1 :MW

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1765 the British Parliament enacted the Stamp Act on the Thirteen Colonies in order to help pay for British military operations in North America. Contrary to what you were taught in school the 'no taxation without representation' was a sideshow. What really angered th colonists was that these taxes had to be paid in gold and due to the laws forcing the colonists to trade only with British merchants who would not pay in gold there was no gold in the colonies.

Retro-added day late. Still warm.
1:59pm CDT Thu 2018 Nov 1 :MW
Ace of Spades

…The weekend is here and for better or worse, the finish line is in sight for the Midterms. As a public service announcement, if you're voting Democrat you need to go to the polls on Wednesday, so get as much rest as you can on Tuesday and turn off the TV and internet until then.…

JJ brings the weekend - a day early. Must be anxious for Saturday.
8:30am CDT Thu 2018 Nov 1 :MW