Blog Heap o'Urantiana Links 16 June 2009

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Links regarding faith and belief
and men, women, marriage, and family life,
also sciences, the spritual and the 'supernatural,'
and, of course, Jesus of Nazareth.

Spiritual Matters

Company sued for WWJD motto Tue 2009-Jun-16 10:01pm
A small company that prints the letters WWJD a common acronym for the question What would Jesus do? on its correspondence has been sued by the president of a competing company, who claims the reference is abusive and harassing…. claiming the motto violates the federal Debt Collection Practices Act…. use of "WWJD" invokes shame or guilt in the letter's recipient, portraying the debtor "as a sinner who is going to hell…." [It must be asked… WWJD?]

Healing Ourselves

Man had broken leg for 29 years Tue 2009-Jun-16 10:17pm

after suffering decades of pain he found it had never actually healed... "Everyone tells me that having a broken leg for nearly 30 years is unheard of...." He will now have a metal Ilazarov frame fitted around his leg and foot to stretch the bone 1mm each day for seven to nine months. Then he will be in plaster for a further three months.

Golden Rulers

Restaurant gets money back, despite cabbie Tue 2009-Jun-16 10:07pm
looked in the La Bamba bag and found two bundles of cash totaling $5,000, along with a bank deposit slip. The money had been dropped accidentally by a La Bamba manager who had meant to take it to the bank…. She told the driver what she had found… she said the cabdriver began acting strangely, insisting that the money should be taken to a cab stand, and drove Narsete around and around, running up the fare. "He wouldn't let me out of the car…."