Blog Heap o'Urantiana Links 17 June 2009

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Links regarding faith and belief
and men, women, marriage, and family life,
also sciences, the spritual and the 'supernatural,'
and, of course, Jesus of Nazareth.


Tiny Frozen Microbe May Hold Clues To Extraterrestrial Life Wed 2009-Jun-17 6:45pm

A novel bacterium -- trapped three kilometers under glacial ice for over 120,000 years -- may hold clues as to what life forms might exist on other planets.

Marriage Today

Same-sex partners to get Fed benefits Wed 2009-Jun-17 4:18pm
extending benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees…

Healing Ourselves

Developmental Experiences May Explain 'Unexplained' Medical Symptoms? Wed 2009-Jun-17 6:37pm

Medically unexplained (or 'functional') symptoms (MUS) are physical symptoms that prompt the sufferer to seek healthcare but remain unexplained after an appropriate medical evaluation... developmental factors may play a role in some cases.... Maternal perception of a threatening environment may be transmitted to the fetus when hormones cross the placenta and affect fetal physiology, effectively 'programming' the fetal stress response system and associated behaviors toward enhanced vigilance. After birth, intense stress responses in the individual may result in similar vulnerability, which may be unmasked by subsequent stressors....

New Nanoparticles Could Lead To End Of Chemotherapy Wed 2009-Jun-17 6:31pm

Nanoparticles specially engineered by University of Central Florida Assistant Professor J. Manuel Perez and his colleagues could someday target and destroy tumors, sparing patients from toxic, whole-body chemotherapies.

Disturbing Family Patterns

OU Student Unaware She Was Pregnant Wed 2009-Jun-17 3:20pm
"I didn't go through what most people go through," Hess said. "I gained some weight. I pretty much thought it was like the 'freshmen 15.'" Hess was shocked when what she thought were bad menstrual cramps were actually contractions, and that led to the surprise birth of a seven pound baby in the dorm bathroom….