Blog Heap o'Urantiana Links 24 May 2015

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Links regarding faith and belief
and men, women, marriage, and family life,
also sciences, the spritual and the 'supernatural,'
and, of course, Jesus of Nazareth.

Spiritual Matters

Star Bright
The Power of Persevering Prayer
Christian Classics Ethereal Library Sun 2015-May-24 12:29pm

…Child of God! give the Father time. He is long-suffering over you. He wants the blessing to be rich, and full, and sure; give Him time, while you cry day and night.…

Disturbing Family Patterns

Kermit Gosnell Speaks from Prison
National Review Sun 2015-May-24 11:51am

A disturbing conversation with the narcissistic killer. … he lied about everything and if he wasn’​t lying he was concocting elaborate stories to explain away the horror… He is convinced he is getting out… thinks of himself as a martyr. …