Blog Heap o'Urantiana Links 19 August 2016

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Links regarding faith and belief
and men, women, marriage, and family life,
also sciences, the spritual and the 'supernatural,'
and, of course, Jesus of Nazareth.

Spiritual Matters

How did Rio’s “Christ the Redeemer” statue get there?
Philip Kosloski, Aleteia Fri 2016-Aug-19 1:25am

…in the early 20th century a local group in Rio called the Catholic Circle saw a need to reclaim the city for Christ.

“In the wake of World War One, [Catholic Circle] feared an advancing tide of godlessness. Church and state had been separated when Brazil became a republic at the end of the previous century, and they saw the statue as a way of reclaiming Rio – then Brazil’s capital city – for Christianity.…”

A host of workers started construction on the massive statue in 1922 and completed it in 1931. It was built using metal scaffolding and cranes with the materials being carried up the mountain by railway.

The statue was officially opened to visitors on October 12, 1931…Philip Kosloski

Healing Ourselves

Damaged Spinal Cords Re-Routed
Ian Johnston, Independent (UK) Fri 2016-Aug-19 1:09am

In an astonishing breakthrough, patients left paralysed by severe spinal cord injuries have recovered the ability to move their legs after training with an exoskeleton linked to their brain – with one even able to walk using two crutches.

Scientists developed the Walk Again Project, based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, thinking that they could enable paraplegics to move about using the exoskeleton controlled by their thoughts.

But they were surprised to discover that during the training, the eight patients all started to regain the sense of touch and movement below the injury to their spine.… researchers now believe that a few nerves survived and these were reactivated by the training, which may have rewired circuits in the brain.…

Earth Science

Australia's GPS Was Off Because the Whole Country Moved
David Grossman, Popular Mechanics Fri 2016-Aug-19 1:15am

…The country its currently updating its very longitude and latitude to correct a divergence with global satellite navigation systems. Geoscience Australia, a part of the Australian government, is behind the project of getting the Geocentric Datum of Australia, the country's national coordinate system, up to code and bring it in line with international data.…

Australia has moved 5 feet since the last update.