Blog Heap of Links for the day 30 September 2012

Links in this view: 12


An excellent time line of events since the attack on Benghazi [video]

11:42am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

Dear Mom, buy me birth control. [Graphical responses to another bizarre Obama promo.]

11:41am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

One of the most dangerous examples of a lack of transparency was inadvertently revealed last March when Obama 2, unaware that a microphone was on, told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that, after he is reelected, and never has to face the voters again, he will have the "flexibility" to make a deal with Russia on missile defense systems.

In other words, Obama will be able to make a deal with a country that has been America's most implacable and most formidable adversary for more than half a century -- a deal he couldn't make if the voters knew about it before the election. Think about that chilling prospect, and what it reveals about the real Obama.

11:39am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

Wars and Rumors

ChiCom flag

Hackers linked to China’s government broke into one of the U.S. government’s most sensitive computer networks, breaching a system used by the White House Military Office for nuclear commands, according to defense and intelligence officials familiar with the incident.

10:04pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW


The notorious underwear bomber who tried to bring down a jumbo jet on Christmas Day had a dirty little secret - he'd been wearing the explosive skivvies for weeks.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab wore them for three weeks to be exact, and it may have been the reason why he was unsuccessful in his 2009 terrorist plans aboard a Detroit-bound airliner.

7:03pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

60 percent of the country's 430 prisons or jails are controlled by criminal elements. … escape of 521 inmates over 14 incidents since 2010 - often with the help of corrupt prison officials …

6:57pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin

Once again, the Democrat propaganda network known as MSNBC has been caught editing video to slander Mitt Romney. This morning on Morning Joe, co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough featured a video of a rally with Romney and running mate Paul Ryan in Dayton, OH. The crowd chanted "Romney! Romney!" but MSNBC added a caption to make it seem that the crowd was chanting "Ryan! Ryan!" and rejecting Romney.

The hoax was busted by a caller to the Pat and Stu Show at The Blaze, who had actually been at the rally and who told the hosts that Romney had not been--as MSNBC suggested--reminded the crowd that he was the candidate, but instead reminding them to include Ryan in their chant. "He stopped us to add, 'Romney-Ryan,' and if you watch the clip again, Ryan throws up his hand like, 'Oh, you don't have to add me to the chant.'"

The hosts, initially skeptical, were convinced when they viewed the tape again. The caller's account is confirmed by the raw C-SPAN video of the event, which did not include MSNBC's misleading caption. …

UPDATE III — When asked about the video, “Morning Joe” spokeswoman Lauren Skowronski emailed BuzzFeed’s McKay Coppins the following statement:

This story is an attempt to generate a false controversy. The tape clip was untouched and was played as it was recorded. The panel was responding to Romney’s playful response and having fun with it. Joe and the gang apologize for making people laugh in the morning. [How liars 'apologize.']

11:26am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

Climate Changes

334 . 700 million years ago the Earth was completely encased in ice and it wasn't the first time.

There's a long cycle periodicity of hundreds of millions of years for the whoppers. We're at the extreme tail end of a warm period between them right now.

Everything from Lucy onward for the past several million years has been a "warm" period that's due to end very soon.

The long period Ice ages come on hard/fast too, like within 50-200 years and you're in the shit. Its like flipping a light switch. You don't ease into them.

Posted by: @PurpAv at September 30, 2012 11:32 AM

4:22pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

246 But at cruise altitude, flying in the lower stratosphere at 35,000’ or higher, switching to tanks with high-sulfur jetfuel would create denser, wider contrails with sulfate aerosols serving as cloud condensation nuclei, mimicking the effect of cosmic rays. The clouds so created would be long-lasting, and brighter with a high albedo reflecting more sunlight back into space.

Thousands of jetliners flying high over the planet every day would create a cooler earth, and no more global warming. The sulfate aerosols are high enough in the stratosphere not to precipitate and cause acid rain - and high-sulfur jetfuel is less expensive than low-sulfur.

This solution to global warming isn’t just cost-free, it saves money. It’s perfectly designed to drive human-hating eco-fascists completely nuts.
-- Jack Wheeler

Posted by: Up with people! at September 30, 2012 10:47 AM

4:00pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

Repeal! Repeal! Repeal!

The Man in the Green Hat eventually drew an 18-month prison term. He also drew front-page Washington Post exposure with his own by-lined series of articles on how he and others helped at least 80 percent of the lawmakers break the law.

11:46am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

Big City Stories

218 160 If you stay upset at politics all the time you will go crazy and start shooting people from tall towers on campuses in TX.

Posted by: Vic at September 30, 2012 10:08 AM

That happened just a few blocks from my front door. I was 11.
My Mom was supposed to be on Jeopardy two weeks after that and we drove all the way to NYC and they reneged because Austin was a toxic subject.
It was all good though, I got to meet Mickey Mantle when we went through Joplin and on our last day on Manhattan my brother and I walked 76 blocks to the Empire State Bldg and found out it was $5.00 to go to the deck. We were walking back to the hotel down Broadway and stopped in front of Jack Dempsey's. The windows were all tinted and we had our face pressed up against the glass trying to see in when an old man came out and yelled " What are you boys doing!" I said "This is Jack Dempsey's and he's the greatest boxer who ever lived." in a Texas drawl. Well the old man was Jack Dempsey and he took us in and fed us Club Sandwiches and 7-Ups. We told him about Whitman and our friend getting his leg blown off and Jeopardy gypping our Mom and the 76 block walk to the Empire State Bldg so he called us a cab with instructions to take us back to the Empire State and get us to the top and take us to our hotel. He signed Dempsey-Tunney rematch programs for us and I still have them.

3:55pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW

US Military

The aging US Coast Guard (USCG) cutter fleet spends a lot of time undergoing repairs -- and the large high endurance cutters are more likely to break down than stay afloat.

The condition of the cutter fleet was a major factor in the Coast Guard's failure to meet performance standards for three out of five of its homeland security missions in fiscal year 2011

7:00pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 30 :MW