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Radical Incline

Rile the Snake

at your own risk

Sources, gratefully acknowledged

Press conf - Wash Free Beacon

Snake - Professional Sound Effects
Snakes - 4 Creators
Forest Fire - HQSFX

Hekmati - EA Worldview
Rezainian - HNGN
Abedini - Fox News
Levinson - Daily Mail

Radical Incline

Bernie's Plan

What's more politically correct than a woman candidate?

Radical Incline

Happy 4th of July Eve!

That special season of the year

4th of July Eve!

Uncle Samta Claus
Tonight, Uncle Sam slips down the chimney of all the good little citizens and leaves them gifts of hot dogs, cherry pie, star spangled banners, ammunition, books by Mark Levin, and tons and tons of bright, noisy, colorful fireworks.

Tomorrow morning, the little citizens will rise from their beds in joyous anticipation of the day. They will run to look under the Liberty Tree (well watered) for their gifts, to marvel and share with one another.

Although the celebrations will be enthusiastically boisterous, ceremonies and sermons will remind us of the solemn cause for our celebration, that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, and about instituting government which secures those rights. Then we end the day in prayer, thankfulness, and worship.

Merry Independence Day!

Radical Incline

Buildings Catch Fire, Masses Go Mad

Burning passions, absent intelligence, formula for disaster

I always find it intriguing how the Masses are UTTERLY STUPID and MISLED and INSANE, like about the "seven black church arsons."

Six burne churches

And by Masses I include the Judas Goats of the LaughingStock Media.

Check out the Daily Mail article from which the pictures above were taken.

Headline: SIX black churches stretching from Georgia to Ohio are burned down in seven days: Fears of tide of 'racist' violence as three are confirmed as arson

So, three of the churches burning are unrelated to arson, and the arsons may not be related to each other, but IGNORANT BUFFOON HEADLINE SCANNERS are easily led to the notion that RACISTS BURN SIX CHURCHES! Oh, now it's SEVEN… unrelated fires.

Nickarama at Weasel Zippers breaks down the church burnings.
Here's a short link to the article which you can pass along: http://bit.ly/1U9hdTC

…according to police more like a vandalism/kids thing
…possible arson
…‘white’ church, hit by lightning
…Arson …damage to youth area
…don’t know
…likely touched off by electrical short
…preliminary examination indicates it is not arson. …

The Masses are easily inflamed, not just from their ready, generally uninformed indignation, but because they are specifically, abysmally, ignorant of history.

We've had a "spate of black church burnings" before,* more than once, and guess what? Just like now, it's often black-on-black vandalism, for various reasons, plus untimely coincidence (mostly not arson).

Why is this news? Not because of a hate wave, but because a messed-up kid gunned down some innocent people and the Masses blamed it on the Confederacy and Republicans, so now everything is a hate crime (I exaggerate — barely — for emphasis). Nobody asks, what's the usual rate of these old wooden churches burning during the seasons of repairs and air conditioning? Hatemongers and race-baiters thrive on jumping to conclusions to fan the flames of division and suspicion.

The Masses have the opposite of the cover of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Their book just says, "#PANIC!"

Panic Media
On TruthRevolt, the lovely and talented Michelle Malkin covers "agenda-driven journalism," including past panics: Fanning the Flames of Another Black Church Arson Hoax

Radical Incline

USA - Common Core 2015 Map

If you can't bury history, submerge it

This is what will be taught as the "United States" in public schools, from now on.

USA map - Common Core 2015
Recent Rebel Repressions

• The National Park Service has removed merchandise with the Confederate battle flag from all its bookstores and gift shops, including Gettsyburg National Military Park.
— Charles Oliver, Reason

• The latest victim of the growing controversy over the Confederate flag is the 1980s TV series “The Dukes of Hazzard.” A TV Land spokesperson confirmed Tuesday that the network has pulled reruns of the series from its schedule, which had been airing twice a day. The network declined to comment on why…
—Andrea Morabito, NY Post
h/t Fox News
h/t Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit
