The 2016 Recordings. Sixteen episodes. Mostly music videos, also skits and animations.
Print editions subscriptions suddenly spike after format change.
Larson's Far Side art style is evident in two if not all three of the other cartoons. Piraro mostly has his own style, but his humor is much like Larson.
With the Memorial Day weekend and other distractions, I'm a ways behind on my PoliNation reading.
"Am I a good mother" made me chuckle.
The Blockbuster ID made me smile, too.
Bird funnies!
Ace of Spades blog's Wednesday morning art post had a painting with a parrot in it, inspiring much avian discussion.
"My husband says our marriage lacks spark"
A shocking story that's around the web: man buys taser for wife
Cold toilet: Not only clean socks, but no holes in 'em!
"Should I tell him" tie-down makes me think alcohol may have been involved.
Hahahaha -- did not see that punchline coming, yet now it seems so obvious! :lol:
Ah, yes! How people had fun in the pre-digital era!
Vatican issues a correction
TheChattyIntrovert says: Oh heavens–and like that, my tension headache slipped away.
The amazing healing power of Bluebirdofbitternessessness.
One highly enthusiastic slave - HAH!
Some additional witty comment goes here, but no.
Um, after my previous comment, I immediately next found this: TruthRevolt says Schumer wanted
While many chortles were had on this collection (haha! the contrasting apartment door signs), I especially liked the 1040 (had to pop it up in another tab and magnify, but totes worth it).
And to think, we let these filthy, murdering beasts up on our bed!
Milady Webworker notes that one could substitute the Shatner comma for the Walken comma without change.
Normally, I might not have anything worth commenting on this one, but it so happens some commenter at AoS linked to this, so I share:
I would've laughed louder at the walnuts but I was still chuckling about the pizza delivery.
Rather than start with reading the news (real and #fake) as usual, I started my online day here with Bluebird. As befits the first warm morning in several days.
"From now on, you shall be known as Peter." Hahahaha.
Had to replace his monogrammed robe, too.
One random thought intersecting another.
"Left-wing comedian Chelsea Handler…"
I submit that "left-wing comedian" is a contradiction in terms, or an anatomical impossibility.
Even though I knew where this was going, practically from the headline, it didn't make it any less funny. You just keep on posting the best stuff, BoB.
Comedian Tony Barbieri, like comedian Kathy Griffen or comedian Jim Carrey, etc.?
Didn't do accents. Just read it like an American reporter reading a Brit story. Staging this would be fun. Wonder if our bank would let us film it there? :D
That was really great. I read it aloud, slowly and seriously, to Milady Webworker. She LOL'd heartily. "I did not see that one coming!"
'Nother amazing collection, bob!
I hit the "like" button… but if there was a "not sure if I like it but thumbs up for weirdness" button, I would've hit that instead.
Another great find, Bird.