Cutting, drying, baling, all done.
Catastrophic Team-Up — this can only end in fire and brimstone
The Fundamentals of Kitchen Economies with Chef Milton
All I wanted was a wheelchair lift for my home. Die, useless eater, die!
Foot-powered flight. Wouldn't the Wright Bros be proud!
In memory of a mighty hunter, genuine Godsend, and faithful friend, a dear feline gone too soon.
Government Rules the Heavens - and messes everything up as usual
Subjects: Daylight Saving Time, US Senate, Mass Formation Psychosis
A giant crater in the Ace community
You can believe them — they're scientists!
Call of the wild and tame
Links and videos about the Afghan fail
Subjects: Heap o' Links
Extended examination of the Bill of Rights, and wrongs.
Those three blind mice better watch out! Tales of our pets.
Go ask Alice - adventures through the mirror
National guardsmen to get award for endurance of Deep Swamp political battles
This gang is after more than your lucky dime. They want total power.
Subjects: Joe Biden, China, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, treason, Valerie Jarrett, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The New New Normal just keeps getting more and more abnormal.
Examining Transportation Fundamentals, page 4 of 4
Examining Transportation Fundamentals, page 3 of 4
Examining Transportation Fundamentals, page 2 of 4
Examining Transportation Fundamentals
The history, current state, and future of moving people and stuff from here to there.
Welcome to the new political zoo. The old ways are gone. New symbols are needed.
The idiots self-congratulation congregation - Romney praises Biden
Reflections of Christmas Past - links to Christmastime webworks
Quick! Roll! Before it's too late!
We're all in this together, separately. Have another helping of virtual family.
All good things must come to an end. So must all evil things.
Subjects: Election 2020, Republicans and Democrats, Communism, death
They've finally nailed down the perfect ticket!
In a time of Deep Concern, a hero arrives as plucky comic relief