Daylight Saving Time
How free people would handle the seasons
Government Rules the Heavens - and messes everything up as usual
Subjects: Daylight Saving Time, US Senate, Mass Formation Psychosis
Another rant on Daylight Saving Time. What part of "Noon" is so hard to comprehend?
Subjects: Daylight Saving Time, proper province of government
The Dems have a plan to replace Daylight Saving Time.
(To the tune of Chicago ♬ "Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?")
OregonMuse #122: Your computer doesn't update the time itself?
* long sigh *
Guess my (pre-caffeinated) attempt at humor was too subtle.
31 Adorable Slang Terms for Sex From the Last 600 Years - "Arrive at the end of the sentimental journey"
Is that, like, a "happy ending?"
Just putting in a quick appearance before the Day starts (i.e. Ace speaks).
Another fantastic summer's day here in Oklahoma. 70° now, going up to 83 at least.
Whut? The invention of the parking meter is the "Most Impressive Thing" about Oklahoma? Pbbbthhhhh.
Speaking of food...
Well, we made it through another season of not having set back our clocks, in the cars, on the mantle, or on the microwave ovens.
Circumstances have conspired to keep me up late, so I've read the post and comments all the way through, because waiting.
Howdy, whoever's here.
Weirdest thing happened to me this morning. On all the electronic devices, the clocks were an hour off. Some kind of computer glitch, I guess.
Weird: The clock on the mantle, which has not been adjusted for Government Interference Time, shows that sunrise occurred at pretty much the same time as yesterday.
An Oklahoma State congresscritter proposed ending Daylight Saving Time in the state.
I was hopeful, but not much.
Life's too short
to wear bad socks
or reset clocks
Morning, Glories! Cool and drizzly in NE OK this AM. Looks like a Halloween week ought to look.
Anna Puma: November is... National Novel Writing Month....
Just as we go off of Daylight Saving Time.
Not likely!
Why end of October?
Daylight Saving Time ends Nov 1?
That's when the SHTF and he'll let the next guy face it?
EST, or EDT? Let's see, if it's 2pm EST, and I'm in CDT, but my house clock is on CST which is tantamount to MDT, then um.. um.. I don't know when to get scared!
last thread said: "...cyber attack dubbed Message to America against a number of targets 2 p.m. EST today...."
Y'know what? We never set the clocks forward this Spring.
VNN: "10 States are looking at ending the shitty Daylight Savings Time scam"
BoB's How is This Still a Thing is the best Daylight Savings Time take I've seen.
Julie Borowski's was humorously dramatic:
"The other 84% just haven't been noticed yet." Right.
Vic, was it easier today, having the morning thread up at 5am (God's time)?
angry feminist: "So the male patriarchy makes women's day only 23 hours long. The power that controls the very sun must be crushed."
Computer says it's six o'clock
I know computer lies
Yesterday at six o'clock
Sun was about to rise
What's most important is, we're conserving whale oil.
rickl: "Sounds like you're bucking for the post of the next chairman of the Federal Reserve."
Subjects: Daylight Saving Time, proper province of government