Ace of Spades
A giant crater in the Ace community
Tammy al-Thor: Miley and Insomniac's Most Excellent Adventure.
This is the one where they're visited by an Ewok in a time machine, right?
Ace: You're only allowed to talk about one thing, but I'm not going to tell you what it is.
I just want to interject that I concur absolutely with Ace on that one thing.
On the cell, so being brief... B4 reading post, I just wanted to comment:
Ace is so great with a turn of phrase....
"...some kind of Amygdala-Milking Bukakke of Terror."
2004 Aug 20, on Ace of Spades:
Kerry Campaign Hires New Spokesman to Handle SwiftVets' Allegations - Baghdad Bob
History marches on
This day (Aug 20) in 2004, Ace was trying to seduce Michelle Malkin. And she gives him some... linkage.
And now... heeeeere's ACE!
* exhales, breaks from readingreadingreading comments*
Blano banned - and only recently he had let slip his real name. Now, what good is that info?
I was contemplating Ace's 2nd banning post of the week.
The one under Santa, semi-porn 'stache guy, tan shirt with rainbow shoulder patches and Flying Nun collar?
Ace is up?
There goes the neighborhood. (Stampeding over a cliff.)
Not only do I find it hard to read Tweets - like the page NDH linked to for Ace - but lately for some reason Twitter assumes I'm on a mobile device (I'm not) and displays mobile.twitter.
Ace: Apologies for the non-blogging today. Just wiped out.
'Sawright, Ace. You usually don't blog on Sundays, anyway.
um... wait a minute...
Cloyd Freud: Prognosticator or Inspirator?
Except if you feel like you're going to shart.
Polliwog the 'Ette: Do I even want to know about "Ace and the Big Oopsie"? ... trying to decide if details or blissful ignorance is best.
Ace is up.
Yeah, yeah.
Now, about the correct amount of pizza sauce...
Remember when that guy Ace used to post on weekdays?
Wonder whatever happened to him.
Belated morning to y'all (who dare to enter here).
Ace starting the day off with a bang, I see.
holygoat: "Paper Tiger Beat candidate" is outstanding.
I thought so, too. "Why we read Ace!"™
First time it's been used?
Duke Lowell: *Shakes ipad*
Shaking just rocks him deeper to sleep.
Try hitting your ipad with a 5# rubber mallet.
bebe's boobs destroy: ...He gave the girls a cursory glance after hearing my name, then kept his eyes above my collar.
Rain has ceased for a while, but it's really windy now.
Provoking the ewok:
grammie winger: That's kinda like saying "I'll bring you some toilet paper after I've had my coffee."
Guess who's up with another reaalllly long movie review?
This post ruins Ace's All Hillary All Day pattern.
Gonna go feed the pets. Got a dentist appt this morning. Need to get my Driver License renewed. Not sure how to fit the yard work in.
I must've missed an article by Ace yesterday. Do I have this right that we all now have to be kinder, gentler, more compassionate conservatives because Ace changed his meds again?
Y-not: I look forward to reading the posts that Ace asks you to write for the blog.